There are many anxiety attacks treatments. In any given case, one course of action may work far better
than another while another type of anxiety may require a different course of action. In this article, we will discuss several common anxiety attack treatments and basically summarize how each works.
The following are some treatments commonly prescribed to help overcome anxiety attacks:
- Cognitive behavior therapy
- Exposure therapy
- Medication
- Education and acceptance
With cognitive behavior therapy you are taught how to focus your thoughts and get right down to the bottom of them. You are led to the root cause of why you are thinking the way you are. Then you can see how some of the things that have been causing your problems are actually irrational. In other words, cognitive behavior therapy teaches you how to find out where your thought patterns have gone astray. Then, once you have exposed the folly of the beliefs that brought you to the point of anxiety disorder, you can free yourself of the disorder.
Exposure therapy helps you to confront whatever it is you are afraid of in a safe environment. Exposure therapy is often used for people suffering from agoraphobia. When people are suffering from agoraphobia they are afraid to leave their home. With exposure therapy they are brought away from home with one trained professional and possibly several of their friends. Little by little they are led further into the world and eventually without the support of the complete entourage helping them to leave their houses. Of course, this is a bit of an oversimplification but it is basically what exposure therapy is all about.
There are several different types of medications a medical professional can prescribe to someone suffering from anxiety disorder. Of course, the medication and the amount of the medication is determined by several factors such as:
- The type of anxiety disorder
- Whether or not panic attacks accompany the anxiety disorder
- How long the sufferer has had the condition
- The severity of the condition and/or the frequency of the panic attacks
Many times the medication is prescribed temporarily. However, sometimes the medication may be administered for many years.
Education and acceptance simply teaches the sufferer what is behind the anxiety or panic attacks biologically. In other words, when the sufferer realizes that the panic attacks are more of a chemical reaction then a true mental condition, the anxiety level will often drop immediately. Also, it is true that often anxiety disorders can be like other common ailments and simply need to run their course.
When the sufferer learns not to intervene and simply live with the condition while it burns itself out, it will often leave without any particular steps being taken.
No matter which anxiety attack treatment you choose, make sure you see your doctor first and check all your options and by all means, make sure he or she tells you it truly is anxiety you are dealing with and not anything else.