Anxiety Related to Sexual Performance

Anxiety Related to Sexual Performance

You had a lovely day with a great and the most adorable woman with whom you had always wanted to be, and are now eagerly waiting for that great climax happening. But alas! Your mind is just worrying you to death because you cant come to terms with the fact that whether you will be able to do your much awaited sexual act between the sheets, successfully or not.

Relax! There is nothing to worry about your sexual performance. Whether a person is a beginner or a seasoned professional, he is bound to be under the grip of anxiety before he indulges in the sexual act that he had been waiting for. Sexual performance anxiety is very common. The more the importance of your relationship is, the greater your anxiety performance. Ultimately what happens is, your worst fears come true and you do not perform as to your expectations. The result of your anxiety is that you end up with a low confidence and self esteem, you start avoiding sexual overtures, which can further deteriorate your relationship and finally you may develop sexual dysfunction.

What is that which actually gets on your ‘nerves’? It can be anything, ranging from the stress of your everyday life, or due to the scolding that you got from your boss, some financial problem or any other problem. These are the issues which are preoccupying your mind and are deterring you from performing satisfactorily. You can surely get rid of anxiety and worry. Try to forget about your stress and think about the pleasure that you can get if you perform as expected. If you do so you can surely get rid of your performance anxiety. In fact performance anxiety and your actual sexual performance go hand in hand. If you worry and are anxious about your sexual performance too much you will truly end up with your worst fears turning true, which in turn will again lead to your anxiety. When a sexual problem occurs more than once, part of you can begin to expect it to happen, causing a conditioning effect to occur. Then, even thinking about sex can cause anxiety, which inhibits your natural sex response.

If you want to come out of the vicious circle of this performance induced anxiety then the best remedy is that you should go for counseling because talking about your problems to some professional can surely ease that stress induced anxiety in your brain and can help you. Hypnosis therapy also works well for many people because during the hypnotic therapy the hidden fears lying in the sub-conscious mind are removed by proper therapy.

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