Anxiety symptoms


Anxiety symptoms

A person’s pulse or heartbeat will quicken when anxious. This will even palpitate disturbingly. The person’s rate of breathing will also become faster. These can be accompanied with sweating, tremor or shaking of the body, stomach cramps or diarrhea and even worse, pain in the chest or angina. Anxiety symptoms.

These are actually physical byproducts of an extreme emotion that is either fear or worry. Oftentimes, fear or worry is according to something that is real. It could be associated with nervousness which an individual will feel as he is going to speak in front of the audience or as he is going to learn of the results from an important exam that he took. However, there are times when an individual will feel fear for no reason at all. He is simply plagued with an irrational but very realistic feeling of an impending doom.

It is but normal to feel anxious once in a while, particularly if it has a certain cause. This feeling of anxiety can even be advantageous which will help individuals to cope better with an activity which is going to happen. This can sharpen the person’s senses, makes his mind become alert and focused and prepares his limbs for action. As his pulse quickened, breathing becomes rapid and muscles become tensed, these will be the descriptions of the “fight-or-flee “stance which is a normal reaction to an apparent threat or danger. People in the medical field recognize this state of heightened alertness as an increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

Aside from the symptoms which have been mentioned, other signs of anxiety include:

  • Nausea or dizziness
  • Lightheadedness or having the faint feeling
  • Hot flashes
  • Cold flashes
  • Feeling of numbness or tingling in the arms and legs
  • Feeling of being choked or smothered
  • Sense of unreal or dissociated with the outside world
  • Intense and oftentimes, the feeling of irrational fear such as dying, going crazy or becoming out of control


If there is no direct stimulus, yet, the individual will still feel anxiety, then perhaps, this is no longer beneficial or normal. Furthermore, if the increased pulse rate, breathing, blood pressure and other symptoms of anxiety will persist for a long period of time, this might result to damage to a person’s health. This will become a true medical condition which will need treatment in the hospital.

Anxiety will also become destructive and abnormal if it will interfere with the normal functioning of the individual. For example, the person will not be able to work anymore and he will refuse to get out of his house due to his anxiety, these will become indications that anxiety has turned out to be a disorder that requires medical attention.

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