Ativan helped boost my confidence with girls
Of course I’m a cool guy now and stuff, but it used to be all different. I used to be really insecure and I never was really able to talk to girls freely. All I ever wanted was to go out and have fun with people my age, but I was always too anxious about making new contacts and stayed at home often during weekends.
Since I don’t really have a demanding job because my parents are very wealthy and no obstacles of material sort in my life, I felt there was something terribly wrong with the way I behave myself in public.
When I did get out, my nights would usually look like this. I’d go to a club, have a couple of drinks, approach a girl and all of a sudden I’d begin to panic she doesn’t like me. Sometimes it was the way I pronounce a word, sometimes I’d think I was a fashion disaster, and other times I just couldn’t find an interesting topic to talk about. In essence,
I was always bending myself to what I thought some girl found repulsive, lame or just irritating. I even began to contemplate using illegal drugs to stimulate me, which, in retrospective, would have been a huge mistake.
I started to surf the internet in an attempt to find out more about my insecurities.
I stumbled upon a website with testimonials like this one and they all recommended Ativan. At first I looked at the product with a decent amount of skepticism but after a while I figured it couldn’t hurt anyone and went ahead and tried it. I was blown away with the effect it had, and found out it was the absolute cure for my problems.
No more was I panicking whether the girl is going to like me or not, the feeling of insecurity was gone forever. Next Saturday I felt comfortable enough to go out on a Saturday, something I usually wouldn’t do. I met new people every weekend and became really good friends with some of them, but most importantly I was able to talk to girls.
I was finally able to talk freely to girls without changing my personality. I was feeling myself and presenting as such and noticed that girls became interested in me more than before.
Now I live a great life and I go out almost every weekend with my new friends. I also have a girlfriend for about three months now and I’m thinking of moving out of my parents’ house because they also feel I’ve changed for the better. All thanks to Ativan.
When I look back, I’m happy I chose Ativan over some alternative short-term solution. Now I don’t even use it that much, only to reassure myself whenever I’m going on a date with some extremely hot woman. And that happens a lot these days.