CategoriesOxycontin Pills

OxyContin Abuse Would Decrease with Better Communication Between Doctor and Pharmacist

In an era where veterinary students receive four times more training than medical students on the effects and potential liabilities of prescription painkillers, we are seeing a vast rise in the incidence of OxyContin abuse.

OxyContin addicts are known to repeatedly go to their doctor complaining of severe pain in order to get their prescription for “Oxy” upped again and again.

OxyContin is the most commonly abused of the oxycodone drugs because its time release format causes it to contain much more OxyContin than other drugs such as Percocet. As a matter of fact, three OxyContin pills can have the same street value as over one hundred Percocets.

While there have been many cases on record of corrupt medical professionals operating pain clinics that were nothing more than “pill mills” pushing drugs to anyone who wanted them, it is also true that many people are able to abuse OxyContin because their doctors are not informed. They are not trained to be able to spot patterns of abuse, and often are not in good communication with the pharmacist.

In a recent inquiry into OxyContin related deaths, it was found through testimony both by doctors and pharmacists that their professional relationships were often strained or “antagonistic”. While the pharmacist may have the knowledge base to identify a potential prescription drug abuser, he or she does not communicate with the doctor. Likewise, the doctor often does not communicate his suspicions to the pharmacist. Instead of working together as a team to do what’s best for the patient, the modern doctor and pharmacist are distant from one another and sometimes even at odds.

If communication improved between doctors and pharmacists, we would be step closer to preventing OxyContin abuse.

Courts Settle on Price of Addiction

Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, is set to pay out $16 million dollars to plaintiffs who took the corporation to court for fraudulently obtaining customers.

OxyContin is a powerful opiate designed to eliminate pain for those suffering from diseases like cancer or for those who have chronic pain stemming from injuries. Unfortunately, due to the addictive nature of the pill, users are unable to stop taking the medication and end up with a deadly addiction.

OxyContin abuse, regardless of the initial intent, requires long-term, inpatient treatment. If you or anyone you know is in need of help for this addiction please contact a drug rehab immediately.

OxyContin Abuse Getting Worse

Despite new laws restricting the amount of prescriptions for pain killers, or monitoring prescription purchases, OxyContin continues to be abuse by tens of thousands of people in the United States. In fact, this epidemic of OxyContin addiction is getting worse.

In order to navigate around these new, harsher laws, addicts have resorted to robbing pharmacies, purposefully injuring themselves, or stealing the drugs or prescriptions from the elderly and/or cancer patients. So, while these laws may be discouraging new OxyContin addicts, they are not addressing those currently addicts to the drug.

CategoriesOxycontin Pills

Alternative Pain Treatment Cuts Down OxyContin Abuse

Alternative Pain Treatment Cuts Down OxyContin Abuse

Four out of ten Americans use alternative medicine and therapy – including natural products and breathing exercises – a figure that plays predominantly in any hope that America has to reduce its population’s dependence on prescriptions to deal with pain.

While doctors prescribe painkillers to help their patients overcome often unbearable symptoms, the “cure” is often worse than the disease. Prolonged use of OxyContin and other painkillers leads to addiction. And as any Oxy addict will tell you, addiction can be far worse than the pain that they started with.

Many people who are seeking natural solutions for pain are on the right track to prevent themselves from developing a serious problem.

OxyContin rehabs are often hard pressed to deal with the problem. For many addicts, Oxy is as hard to kick as heroin. There is a reason for this: Oxy is an opioid – meaning that it mimics opiates such as morphine, heroin, and methadone. And many OxyContin abusers finally turn to heroin when their budgets can no longer support their prescription drug habit.

For Oxy rehabs to be effective, they have to take the problem of prescription drug abuse seriously. The truth is that the potency of modern prescription drugs can make them harder to quit than their street drug counterparts. Rehabs that treat both the physical and mental sides to addiction have the best chance to help an OxyContin addict to recover.

It’s a common story: from a single painkiller prescription to addict for life. That story doesn’t have to be the tale of your loved one. Intervention is possible. If you need help to save your loved one’s life, call our hotline at 1-877-340-3602. Our Oxycontin drug rehab has successfully gotten some of the toughest cases back on track and sober for life.

You may have been dealing this situation for years. It may have come to a head many times already. With the right help, you can succeed to finally bring your loved one back to sobriety. OxyContin abuse does not have to be a fact of life.

Maine Family Busted Running OxyContin Sales Ring

A family drug ring in Belfast, Maine was recently broken up by local authorities after a six-month long investigation of prescription drug trafficking.

Police stated that the drug selling group, which consisted of six people including a Maine resident and his three adult sons, pawned off OxyContin, Adderrall, and morphine.

The apparent ringleader, David Pattershall (64 years old) faces ten years in prison and fines up to $20,000.

The abuse of OxyContin and other opioids continues to be a problem as more and more people become hooked to this highly addictive substance either through drug dealers or more legitimate means. There are reports of many Maine residents getting hooked to the painkillers from a prescription and then not being able to quit them.

Unfortunately, abuse of OxyContin leads to addiction to other, harder drugs. For example, many heroin users were first introduced to the drug after seeking a similar, cheaper high to OxyContin.

Opioids such as OxyContin are prescribed for their powerful painkilling properties. Abused, they produce a high not too different from heroin. Prescription drug abuse is on a sharp rise in America. Only marijuana is more frequently abused. The common misconception is that prescription drugs such as OxyContin are safer than street drugs because they come from a doctor or pharmacy. In truth, no drug is safe unless it’s used exactly as prescribed by the person it’s prescribed to. As a matter of fact, there are many street drugs that had their origins in the pharmacy.

Obama administration wants tougher OxyContin prescription regulations


According to an article appearing in the New York Times, if the Obama administration has its way, then doctors will need to receive special training before they’re allowed to prescribe OxyContin and other powerful painkiller opioids. This measure is the most aggressive of all actions suggested thus far in an effort to curb broadscale painkiller abuse and addiction in the United States.

The doctors need the training in order to help them identify potential prescription abusers who are merely faking pain in order to get the pills. While many people (particularly those with pharmaceutical industry ties) raise objections to these proposed regulations, it can’t be denied that careless prescriptions are at least partially at the root of the current prescription drug abuse epidemic.

If doctors have to undergo training before they can prescribe these highly addictive substances, then maybe they’ll think twice before issuing a prescription to a dubious client. Of course, other laws and regulations need to go in place as well to back this up – such as a shared medical record database that prevents patients from “doctor-shopping” until they find a doctor careless enough (or corrupt enough) to give them an unwarranted prescription.

OxyContin has become the gateway drug a heroin. An opioid (which means it mimics opiates in its effects), it has come to be abused on the streets much in the same way heroin is abused. But since heroin is much cheaper than OxyContin, many OxyContin users who have developed a tolerance to the drug turn to heroin for a cheaper high.

The Difference Between Prescription Drugs and Street Drugs

The difference between prescription drugs and street drugs is that prescription drugs are given by prescription from a doctor whereas street drugs are sold by dealers on the streets.

There is no real difference, fundamentally, between the drugs falling under these two labels. Actually, there is a blending even across that line, because drugs that you’re only supposed to be able to obtain with a prescription are still available from drug dealers, and drugs that commonly sold on the street are often available as well by prescription, depending on what state that you live in.

Every drug is different in terms of its properties, its potency and its psychoactive effects. Any drug can be abused. Any drug can cause overdose and death. Almost any psychoactive drug can result in addiction and dependency.

Most drugs, whether they’re prescription drugs or street drugs, if they have a mental effect, will cause withdrawal. No drug is safe unless used in the exact dosage prescribed by a doctor by the exact person it was prescribed to.

Prescription drug abuse is a widespread epidemic, just like street drug abuse. Many street drugs were originally prescription medications. MDMA, also known as ecstasy, was developed by the pharmaceutical company Merck. Heroin was developed by Bayer. Valium and morphine and LSD, as well as cocaine, were all promoted by the medical community at one time or another.

You could say that prescription drugs follow the pattern of being advertised as a wonder drug, and then harming too many people, and then being banned and only available from drug dealers.

A cynic could say that pharmacies sell the new drugs and that drug dealers sell the “old hat” drugs. There are many medications that do help people. The potential for abuse, however, can’t be overlooked.


OxyContin and Other Prescription Drug Abuse in Florida

Florida has received national scrutiny recently about its laws designed to prevent prescription drug abuse.

Florida has some of the most lax laws in the United States with regards to the operation of “pill mills”. In a “pill mill”, an unscrupulous pharmacist fills prescriptions in such a way that drug dealers can purchase massive quantities of prescription drugs and then smuggle them across the border.

They do this using dubious prescriptions that are obviously being faked or forged for the purpose of drug abuse. Pill mills are so prevalent in Florida, centered particularly around the Miami, Orlando and Tampa Bay areas, that governors from other states have requested that Florida’s governor and legislature do something effective now to end the abuse.

Federal authorities report that the source point of much illegal prescription drug trafficking in the U.S. is Florida.

Prescription drug abuse is one of the fastest growing types of substance abuse. Part of the reason for this is that prescription drugs such as OxyContin are so broadly available. What is more, popular public misconception that prescription drugs are somehow safe even when abused contributes to both youth and adult consumption of prescription drugs to get high.

The prescription drug abuse problem is not just in Florida. Drug abuse rehabs that focus on prescription drug abuse are cropping up in Florida and in other states.

CategoriesOxycontin Pills,  Pain Effects on Male Health

Oxycontin Thieves Getting Desperate

For the last several months there have been hundreds of pharmacy robberies across the U.S.. Thieves demanding large amounts of Oxycontin have come bearing everything from threatening notes to handguns in order to obtain the heavy narcotics.

Oxycontin addiction is similar to heroin addiction in that they’re both opiates and both have extremely painful withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms from Oxycontin include; vomiting, body aches, insomnia, depression, anxiety and severe cravings.

Pain Clinics Are The New Oxycontin Dealers

While we all hear about the growing number of Oxycontin addicts, you are bound to hear about the pain clinics that are supplying this potentially lethal narcotic. Interestingly enough, pain clinics are not regulated the same way as hospitals, also many of them are privately owned. This allows for pain clinics to focus on the financial gains they will reap for doling out hundreds of prescriptions for Oxycontin. Often times patients do not even have to prove that they are sick or in substantial pain before being prescribed drugs.

Oxycontin abuse is extremely dangerous and often leads to the abuse of other, more harmful drugs like heroin. The only real way to handle an Oxycontin addiction is to enroll in a drug rehab. This is where addicts are able to learn how to live their life without resorting to drugs and/or alcohol. One rehab, in particular, Narconon Louisiana has a 76% success rate when it comes to handling addiction.

If you or anyone you know is in need of help for a substance abuse problem please call Narconon Louisiana at 866-422-4650 for more information.

Oxycontin Abuse Common In The NFL

After recent reports of Oxycontin abuse surfaced regarding the New Orleans Saints, more and more people are coming out of the wood works claiming that Oxycontin abuse is very common in the NFL. In fact, one former NFL player insists that overtime fans hear about a player checking into rehab for an alcohol problem, more times than not it is really because they are abusing Oxycontin.

So now we can add NFL stars to a growing list of professions that become addicted to Oxycontin. And at some point maybe we will realize that Oxycontin addiction does not discriminate, anyone can become an addict and anyone can be affected by the evils the drug brings along.

Reward For Oxycontin Thief

In an attempt to curb the rising number of pharmacy robberies, Purdue Pharma has donated $1,000 to crime stoppers to put toward a reward for the capture of an Oregon man suspected of robbing pharmacies for Oxycontin. Purdue Pharma, the maker of this powerful narcotic has come under a lot of heat for knowingly marketing the highly addictive drug. As the number of Oxycontin robberies increase some wonder if this gesture is too little, too late.

Because Oxycontin requires a prescription, addicts have resorted to holding up pharmacies in an attempt to obtain the drug. It is clear that the only thing that is going to handle this growing problem is rehabilitation.

Narconon Louisiana is a long-term, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab that handles Oxycontin addiction effectively. This is evident in their 76% success rate for permanent recovery.

CategoriesOxycontin Pills,  Pain Effects on Male Health

New Legislation Will Prevent Addicts From “Doctor Shopping”

New Legislation Will Prevent Addicts From “Doctor Shopping

While it is widely known that a person with an Oxycontin addiction employs the method of “doctor shopping” in order to obtain their drugs, state officials al over the country are working hard to prevent this from being possible. New legislation is being passed all over the United States that would require the names of any patients being prescribed oxycontin to be entered into a national registry. This would allows doctors to see if a person has more than prescription out there, and prevent addicts from tricking, or pretending they need the drug in the first place.

An OxyContin addiction is best treated in a drug and alcohol rehab. One such rehab, Narconon Louisiana, has developed a unique program, which boasts a 76% success rate for permanent recovery. One of the main reasons for this is because Narconon Louisiana does not subscribe to the idea that addiction is a disease. Instead, clients work one on one with a counselor to figure out what problems drugs and alcohol were a solution for. Once that problem is isolated and handled, clients no longer feel the need to resort to drugs in the first place.

Cory Haim Obtained OxyContin Illegally.

In the last few days there have been several reports indicating that Cory Haim had an oxycontin addiction. This is substantiated by several pill bottles that bore the actors name that were obtained illegally. One pill bottle was a prescription for Oxycontin that investigators have traced back to a stolen prescription pad.

If this is true then Cory Haim will join the likes of Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger and Anna Nicole Smith on the list of celebrities that have died because of their addiction to prescription medications.

While the world is struggling to come to grips with addiction, and reeling from the Oxycontin epidemic, the only real solution is long-term, inpatient rehabilitation. Addicts are given the opportunity to take control of their lives, control that they have given up to drugs and alcohol.

Murderer Has Been Spotted In Pharmacy Hold Up

James Fryberg, who is accused of killing a 15 month old boy has now added robber and drug addict to his long list of crimes. Most recently he was spotted holding up a pharmacy, demanding the powerful painkiller, Oxycontin.

Oxycontin abuse has been known to lead people to do desperate things in search of the drug that has been likened to heroin. The most common reason for this is because of the withdrawal symptoms. Oxycontin addicts will experience nausea, vomiting, sleeplessness, irritability, and body aches when trying to come off of this drug.

For most the only real solution to Oxycontin abuse is to enroll in an effective drug and alcohol rehab. Narconon Louisiana is one rehab that has been dealing with this kind of addiction for several years. Unlike most rehabs, Narconon Louisiana does not subscribe to the idea that addiction is a disease. Instead, clients work one on one with a counselor to figure out what problems drugs were a solution for. Once that problem is isolated and handled they no longer feel the need to take the very thing that is killing them.

Theft of Oxycontin Killed 13-Year-Old Boy

Earlier this year the media was flooded with reports about a 13-year-old boy, Alex Aiken. Alex died of an Oxycontin overdose in Indiana.

Investigators have pinpointed the source of the Oxycontin. A 14-year-old girl stole the narcotic from a relative and gave it to Alex and his friend. Officials have arrested the girl and have placed the friend in juvenile hall.

This is a lesson for us all. Prescriptions, especially Oxycontin, need to be locked up or disposed of after they are no longer needed.

CategoriesOxycontin Pills

13 Year Old Dies Due to Oxycontin Overdose

Tragedy struck Jenny Bethel’s home earlier this week. When she went into her 13 year old son, Alex’s room to wake him up for school, she found him dead. Alex Aiken died at the age of 13 due to an Oxycontin overdose. Friends believe that Alex tried the drug for the first time because of peer pressure.

Oxycontin addiction has the power to take a person’s life after just one use, as is the case with Alex. Studies show that children believe prescription pill are much safer than drugs like heroin. This common misconception is what may have led Alex to taking the Oxycontin that killed him.

The only real way to handle an Oxycontin addiction is to enroll in a drug and alcohol rehab. Narconon Louisiana is a long-term, inpatient facility that focuses on bringing the addict back to his true personality, the person they were before drugs and alcohol entered into the picture.

Doctor Shoppers Getting A Reality Check

Oxycontin addicts have notoriously been known for employing unique ways in order to obtain their Oxycontin. However some may want to think twice before doing what is known as “doctor shopping”

“Doctor shopping” is when an  Oxycontin addict will go through and find several different doctors. Each doctor will be asked for a prescription for Oxycontin, if it is not obtained the addict will simply move on to the next doctor until they get what they want. This is very illegal and law enforcement is starting to crack down on this method of getting drugs.

Oxycontin Abuse Causes People To Resort To Violence

Oxycontin abuse is growing and it’s causing addicts to resort to some dangerous measures in order to obtain the powerful opiate. In Seattle, police are searching for a man who has robbed twn pharmacies in four months. Each time the robber demands Oxycontin.

Oxycontin abuse needs to be handled with effective drug rehab. In the case of the robber in Seattle, had he enrolled in a drug rehab like Narconon Louisiana, officials would not be searching for him and would not have put out a $100,000.00 reward for any information about his whereabouts.

Narconon Louisiana is a long-term rehab facility that focuses on allowing an individual to live free from the addiction that is killing them. Narconon Louisiana does not subscribe to the idea that addiction is a disease, instead they work one on one with a client to find out what problems drugs were a solution for. Once those problems are isolated and handled, addicts and shed their addiction and move on with their life.

CategoriesOxycontin Pills,  Pain Effects on Male Health

Common Misconception With Oxycontin Addicts

Common Misconception With Oxycontin Addicts

Most people get started with Oxycontin, or other prescription pain killers, not knowing the severe side effects and how highly addictive they are. However, those that intentionally seek out Oxycontin to get high do so because they believe that it is safer than street drugs, like heroin.

That misconception is what has led hundreds of thousands of people to have an Oxycontin addiction. Oxycontin has severe withdrawal symptoms like; sleeplessness, nausea, vomiting, body aches, head aches and flu like symptoms. Withdrawals from this drug can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

The only safe way to come off this powerful pain killer is to enroll in a drug and alcohol rehab. In addition to the powerful cravings one can have towards Oxycontin, an effective rehab will help the person figure out why they started abusing drugs in the first place.

Doctor Gets 20 Years After Illegally Dispensing Oxycontin

Perry Reese III was convicted on two counts of distribution of a controlled substance and one count of violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) act after investigators caught him distributing large amounts of Oxycontin.

Reese, 51, owned an urgent care center in Sampson County, North Carolina. In 2002 a former client of Reese’s contacted the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation and explained that Reese had allowed the man to purchase Oxycontin from him. At one point, under Reese’s watch the patient was taking 30-35 Oxycontin pills a day.

During the course of the investigation, officials were able to purchase Oxycontin from Reese on four different occasions. Reese never provided an examination and asked for no medical records. All in all, Reese illegaly sold 174.165 grams of Oxycontin, the legal equivalent of 1,166 kilograms of marijuana.

CategoriesHealth Tips,  Medicines,  Rx Meds Advice

Painkillers and Pharmacy Saga a Drug Store in USA

Have you ever had a prescription for painkillers?  Well prescription painkillers are powerful drugs that interfere with the nervous system.  The transmission of the nerve signals we perceive as pain, which is changed for you.  Some Painkillers also stimulate portions of the brain that give you pleasure.  So they also stop pain and give you a “high”.

The most powerful prescription painkillers are called opioids.  Which have opium like compounds.  They are made to react on the nervous system in the same way as drugs gotten from the opium poppy, like heroin.  Oxycodone is one of the most abused painkillers.  Some of them are called hydrocodone, meperidine, hydromorphone and propoxyphene.

Oxycodone has the greatest potential for abuse and the greatest dangers.  This drug is prescribed by your doctor and almost all of us feel like it is ok to take this drug because the doctor gave it to us.  This drug is as powerful as heroin and affects the nervous system the same way.  Oxycodone is sold under many trade names, such as percodan, Endodan, Roxiprin, Percocet, Endocet, Roxicet and Oxycontin.  It comes in tablet form.

Ok so you have had a surgery and your doctor gave you Oxycontin to go home with.  This keeps you from feeling any pain.  So do the healthy thing.  Eat right take your antibiotics if necessary and cut back immediately from these pain killers then get off as soon as you can.

OxyContin Overview

OxyContin contains oxycodone hydrochloride in doses varying from 10 mg to 160 mg. Oxycodone hydrocholoride is an opioid that blocks pain receptors in the brain, which can provide the user with pain relief for up to 12 hours. OxyContin was actually a prescription medication, but due to the rise in addicts and break-ins at pharmacies, most drugstores refuse to carry OxyContin.

In 1998 it was estimated that 1.6 million Americans used prescription medication for non-medical reasons. The number of OxyContin emergency cases increased by 37% from 1998 to 1999 and again from 1999 to 2000.

OxyContin continues to hold the spot of most effective pain killers today, because it does not have a threshold of effectiveness like other pain relieving medications. In other words, the more OxyContin one takes, the more pain relief he/she feels. While Aspirin will be ineffective with four times the recommended dosage, OxyContin will provide four times the relief. Knowing this, it is not surprising this medication is being abused.

However, just as with anything that people abuse, there are consequences to pay for abusing OxyContin. OxyContin is an addictive drug, and just like all other addictive drugs, over prolonged use the person abusing it begins to build tolerance. Due to this tolerance, they will ingest more and more of the drug in order to achieve the same feeling. Thus, an overdose becomes more likely.

In fact, just one large dosage of OxyContin is enough to cause severe respiratory depression and death. OxyContin may still be a prescription drug, but should never be taken by those who do not need it or in the wrong dose.


CategoriesHealth Tips,  Medicines,  Rx Meds Advice

Nurses and Drugs

An addict in Nurse’s Scrubs is what this story should be called. reported this story from a former nurses aid and one time cop.  He had an addiction to painkillers and he did whatever he needed to get his fix.  He was fired from his job as a nurse but he walked into the hospital one day with his scrubs on and went straight to the storage room to look for and find narcotics.  No one noticed him, because he was in scrubs, he knew what to do to look inconspicuous.  He got into restricted areas of the hospital and found synthetic Opioid and slipped them into his pocket and went home to feed his addiction to painkillers.  He notes in his story that he is not surprised at the recent rise of painkillers thefts by employees in hospitals.  He is familiar with the desperation and ingenuity of a prescription drug junkie inside a medical facility.  There are many thefts going on behind closed doors at hospitals.  Some of it is by the doctors and some of it is by the nurses.  These thefts by nurses mirrors increases nationally in the abuse of painkillers. reports that nurse participants of a drug program who practiced while intoxicated, stole drugs from the bedridden and falsified records to cover their tracks.  Nurses do face disciplinary actions and have to get on a program but most of them do not finish this program.

A nurse who is using drugs while they are at work can be guilty of patient harm as a direct result of this abuse.  They can mistreat their patient with medication errors.  They can cost the hospital in the way of stolen drugs, lost wages, training and re-hiring.  If they mistreat their patient and the patient makes a claim against the hospital that can cost them thousands.  This nurse is also hurting her family because she may lose her job and even the entire career.  There are nurses that notice that their fellow nurses are using but they will not report them because they don’t want their friend to lose their job.  It is suspected that 10% of the nursing population has an alcohol/drug problem and some of the abuse problems are serious enough to interfere with their practice.  This is reported by the American Nurses Association.  Nurses have a lot of stress on their positions.  They are expected to work long shifts, overtime, rotating shifts and floating to unfamiliar units.  All this can make them feel tired and much stressed.  Drug abuse may be a way of coping with this stress.  Some of these nurses live, breath and sleep work.  Whatever the reason nurses do abuse drugs and they are in the front lines of our medical professions.  They have the wherewithal to be around drugs and it is easy for them to manipulate getting what they need.  I don’t even know if more education will work in this case because these nurses have an education of what drugs can do to you.  I believe this profession should be repositioned so that shifts are not as long and stress is not so high for these nurses.

OxyContin: The “Hillbilly Heroin”

Why do you suppose they call it the “Hillbilly Heroin”?

Because it reacts on the nervous system like heroin or opium.  There are some people who can’t get their heroin so they go to the doctor and get some pain killers like Oxycontin.  The doctors are sometimes very willing to give this drug to their patients.

Armed robberies of pharmacies have occurred where the robber didn’t say “give me your money,” he said “give me your Oxycontin”  In some areas of the Eastern United States Oxycontin is the drug of greatest concern to the law enforcement authorities.

Oxycontin is abused in Appalachian communities so it known as the “hillbilly heroin”.  It has actually emerged as a major crime problem in the US.  They looked at the crime rate in many areas in the US and found that Oxycontin is behind 80% of the crime.

This drug is less expensive than real heroin and sometimes even easier to get from our doctor.  So that is why it is called the “Hillbilly Heroin”.  It can cause you to have constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, addiction, increased risk of heart attack, just to name a few.

So if you know anyone of your friends or if you made it to your doctor and got some Oxycontin and now you want to get off well there is a place to help you.

Understand Why Painkillers Become So ADDICTIVE

Would you like to really understand why painkillers are so addictive?  Well here goes this reporter’s collected information.  Opioid painkillers produce a short-lived euphoria, but they are also addictive.

If you use these painkillers on a long term basis it can lead to physical dependence.  The body adapts to the presence of the substance and then you stop taking it and you get withdrawal symptoms.  The body can also build up a tolerance to the drug.  Now you have to take a higher dose to get the same effects.

Painkillers are like all other drugs.  They simply mask the pain for which they are taken.  They don’t “cure” anything.  So if you are trying to dull the pain you will also find yourself taking more and more of the drug.  Then you will discover that you cannot make it through the day without the drug.

Withdrawal will cause you to be restless, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps and involuntary leg movements.  You make one of the most serious risks of respiratory depression.  If you take high doses it can cause breathing to slow down to the point it can stop and the user dikes.

So you just had surgery, the doctor gave you some OxyContin.  Do the healthy thing.  Eat right, take your antibiotics if he gave you some and cut back on the painkillers as soon as you can so you can get off as soon as possible.

CategoriesHealth Tips,  Medicines,  Rx Meds Advice

Good Medicine Bad Behavior Exhibit

Did you know that if you go to you will find an online exhibit?  It is brought to you by the Drug Enforcement Administration museum.  It is an interactive exhibit and it goes into prescription drug abuse which is an ongoing problem in the Unites States today.  You can find the history of drug abuse and diversion in the United States.  There is a list of the efforts to combat the problem though time.  The exhibit has recreations of period pharmacies.  It displays illustrations of the impact of substances on the human body.  One of the things that is noted is the rise of rogue internet pharmacies in the past ten years.  If you want to know the science of how these medicines can have therapeutic effects on the body but harmful affects when misused go to this online exhibit.

Online when you go to this website you will find and Introduction, History of Prescription Drugs, The Science of Drugs, The Controlled Distribution System, Diversion of Chemicals, pain management, Lost Talent and Discovery Center.  These are the titles of what you can go to and get information about drugs and their abuse in this country.  Some of us need all this information because we just need to get educated; we have children and we need to know what is going on with drugs.  There may be some of us who need to know because we have a loved one who is abusing drugs and we cannot understand why something is not being done.  Well on this website from the DEA you can get the idea that something is being done to educate the public we just need to now to go to their web site and get this needed information


Do you have the basic idea that if they are a drug addict then they must be poor also?  That is not true.  It has been reported that nine out of ten guys who party come from millionaire families.  This comes from a regular user and he observed this first hand.  This gentleman was from Lexington, Kentucky and he has seen every side of Kentucky’s battle with pain pill addiction.  He started when he was 17 with his school buddies and when he was 21 he came fully addicted.  When he was 25 he got arrested at a Lexington gas station for selling $15,000 worth of pills.  Even though he was arrested he still used.  One day he was sent to the Wet Care rehab center in eastern Kentucky.  He did well there and now he is a counselor there.

Oxycontin is a powerful prescription painkiller and about 10 years ago it was noticed that was being abused at an alarming rate in the Appalachian areas of eastern and southern Kentucky.  Now it is a decade later and the level of pain pill abuse throughout the state and across the country is at epic levels.

There have been several high profile drug arrests across the US and treatment programs for Oxycontin has increased there has also been the adoption of prescription drug monitoring program in 43 states.  Officials now feel that this problem is anchored and they know we have drug traffickers from Florida to Kentucky and they are named “Oxycontin Express”.

There are reports from a study done by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration there was a fourfold increase nationally I treatment admissions for prescription pill abuse during the past decade.  This increase covers every age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, employment and region.  This study also shows a tripling of pain pill abuse among patients who needed treatment for dependence on opiods, prescription narcotics.  The state Cabinet for Health and Family Services reported that the rate of overdose deaths more than doubled among men and tripled among women in Kentucky from 2000 to 2009.

Police and officials charges that Purdue Pharma the maker of Oxycontin marketed the drug too aggressively and that fed an oversupply and diverted the drug onto the illicit market.  Purdue Pharma denied that.  The company and three top officials pleaded guilty in 2007 to misleading the public about the drug’s risk of addiction and paid $634.5 million in fines.

More and more has to be done to get the public educated that this is absolutely a marketing scan and that this prescription drug is very harmful to you and your family.  If your doctor tries to give you this pain killer be aware that you must get off of it as soon as your serious condition goes away.  If you or someone you love needs help from a drug treatment facility, we can help.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin

Psychiatry and government

Psychiatry and government reported this very morning views on “The Epidemic of mental Illness: Why?”.  Dr. Marcia Angell, for two decades the editor of the most prestigious medical journal in the world, The New England Journal of Medicine, wrote a devastating piece on psychiatry for the NY Review of Books.  In this write up Angell points out that a staggering 10% of Americans at least seven years old take antidepressants. She reveals that the antidepressant drugs were observed to increase levels of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, was the impetus for claiming that depression was caused by a serotonin deficit.  What she reveals here is that the whole theory of depression was invented backwards so it could fit what the drugs were doing.  So we can think with this it would be like saying the flu is caused by a lack of Tamiflu in the body.  That was “the science” behind the whole chemical imbalance theory of depression.  Angell said, “We’ve got this drug (Prozac) that raises serotonin levels, so let’s say depression is caused by a deficit of serotonin, and let’s sell that idea.”  She speaks of a study that was done at the National Institute of mental health showing 46% of randomly selected adults qualified for a diagnosis of mental illness, based on the definitions of disorders put together by the American Psychiatric Association. In some cases rehab was needed for these people. Well what we have here says Angell, is victim creation at its finest, because none of the official 297 mental disorders are diagnosed by any chemical or biological test.  What they go by is just menus or checklist of behaviors.  An example of this is like going to see a doctor for a conversation then he brings in a team of doctors and they sit around and discuss what you said, take notes, and then they decide you have cancer.

Two decades ago a number one person in America dedicated to the psychiatric hustle was a government representative and now secretary of state and she campaigned tirelessly for accepting the diagnosis of mental illness “without stigma” .  Many other people have done the same.  From this a revolution was put in place and now the big government could and did expand the theme of dependence.  Angell made a further point that is often overlooked.  Patients with schizophrenia and depression do have relatively brief episodes and with the onset of the drugs for treatment patients now find themselves with chronic conditions.  An obvious conclusion here is that the drugs are creating abnormal brain function.  In the US the use of psychiatric drugs increased 22% from 2001 to 2010.  In fact in 2010, 21% of adult women took antidepressants.  Robert Whitaker, author of “Anatomy of an Epidemic” sites these figures:  in 1987, 1.2 million Americans were on government disability as a result of mental illness.  By 2010, that figure had risen to 4 million.

Anyone of us may ask ourselves, “What is going on in this country?”  Yes, if we observe what is actually going on we may see that government and psychiatry are in love.



The brand name of Oxycodone expires on November 25, and that is the Drug maker Purdue Pharma’s patent on Oxycontin. Purdue stopped selling Oxycontin in Canada several months ago and what they did instead was introduce a new formulation called OxyNeo that is harder for drug abusers to snort or inject.
Let’s get a bit of information on this drug called Oxycontin. It is a powerful opioid painkiller and it has been blamed for an epidemic of addiction and abuse in Canada. It is sold on the black market throughout Canada and on some tribal reservations over half the adult population is addicted. Ontario Health Minister, Deb Matthews stated in a letter, “I recognize that pain is a serious issue, and I am committed to working with patients and providers to better integrate pain management into our health-care system. But we simply do not need easily abused long-acting Oxycodone drugs to achieve better care.” This can lean to possible long term drug rehab.
Canadian Health Minister, Leona Aglukkaq has decided to not ban the new generic drug. Matthews is trying to pressure Health Minister to reverse her decision and indeed block generic Oxycodone from coming to market once Purdue Pharma’s patent expires.
This is what Aglukkaq had to say, “I don’t believe that politicians should pick and choose which drugs get approved. While intentions may be noble in this circumstance, what stops future politicians from caving into public pressure and allowing unproven, unsafe drugs on the market once political pressure starts to mount? A drug approval process based on politics is a recipe for disaster.”
This is what is being proposed in Canada on this issue. Rather than ban generic versions of Oxycodone, Health Canada is imposing some really tough new conditions on the licenses of manufacturers and distributors. They will be required to report spikes in sales and changes in distribution patterns. If evidence of abuse or diversion id found, the licenses could be suspended or revoked.
Well it looks like they are looking at this issue with this drug. The fears of it causing a renewal of addiction will hopefully not come true.
For info on Oxycodone rehab, contact us.

Substance abuse, especially, but not limited to, stimulants, leads to sleep deprivation for the majority of addicts. Alcoholics are also sleep deprived. Many addicts have referred to periods lasting a week or more where they did not sleep at all. What happens to the brain and body when we don’t sleep?

“Sleep is essential to the cognitive functions of the brain, and without it, our ability to consolidate memories, learn daily tasks, and make decisions is impaired by a large degree. Prolonged sleep deprivation has long been associated with diminished immune functions. The less sleep you get, the less time the brain has to regulate stress hormones, and over time, sleep deprivation could permanently hinder the brain’s ability to regulate these hormones, leading to elevated blood pressure.” (Discovery Fit and Health)

Addicts and alcoholics who regularly go without sleep are literally in danger. It does not take long for other body functions to begin to operate poorly, placing the addict in even more danger.

“Sleep gives the body a chance to repair muscles and other tissues, replace aging or dead cells. Also, sleep gives the brain a chance to organize and archive memories (dreaming is probably a part of that process). (

The addict does not consider the consequences of things like staying awake too long. They are not even able to stop using for family or work or because they are killing themselves, so lack of sleep would surely not be a reason to quit. This is catestrophic as reports that “It only takes three days of sleep deprivation to cause a person to hallucinate. Obviously, if you were to go for a longer period of time, the symptoms would worsen and in time, would most likely prove fatal. Rats forced to stay awake continuously will eventually die, proving that sleep is definitely essential.”

The effects of a lack of sleep, added to a substance abuse problem, creates a dangerous situation for the addict and anyone who may be with them, in the same car, in the same workplace or on the same work crew. The addict is a liability and creates a liability situation for those around him or her. What is needed is a workable, results driven program for the addict.

If you or someone you love has a problem with drug addiction, we can help. We can help you find a rehab that provides effective Oxycontin abuse solutions.

Niagara Falls, New York Drug Abuse Info


The FBI collects information from 17,000 local law enforcements agencies and that is where they get the figures for these statements.  Just recently Niagara Falls has had 5 murders, 23 rapes, 185 robberies and 397 assaults.  For every one thousand resident there are 70 of them that will be a victim.  Niagara Falls has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes.  According to Niagara Falls is number 51 in the top 100 most dangerous cities to live in. reported in December of 2011 that the US Attorney William Hochul, Jr., Wilbert Plummer, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the New York Field Division United States DEA made a statement that 26 people had been arrested and they were charged in criminal complaints all 26 separately.  These complaints were for possession with intent to distribute and distribution of crack cocaine or cocaine.

Assistant US Attorney George Burgasser stated, “according to the criminal complaint, the defendants sold crack cocaine and cocaine throughout the Niagara Falls area between May 2011 and November 2011.”

Hochul said, “Our Office will work with all of our law enforcement partners to rid the streets of drugs and the violence often associated with them.”

Plummer said, “These violent drug defendants have been arrested today due to the collaborative law enforcement efforts to keep our streets safe.  The residents of Niagara Falls should rest knowing that guns and drugs have been taken off the streets ad that these defendants are behind bars, where they belong.”

A maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a one million dollar fine is what some of these people face.  There are those that are more serious offenders and they face a mandatory minimum of five years and a maximum of 40 years in prison with a five million dollar fine if convicted.

Niagara Falls Police Chief John Chella said, “I would like to thank the United States Attorney’s Office, the DEA and the members of the Niagara Falls Police Department for the extensive work generated, making today’s arrest a reality.  I am encouraged, because of those individuals charged today; the streets of Niagara Falls will be safer for its residents.”

That is how the war on drugs is being waged in Niagara Falls New York.  Well done to all the officials.  Drugs harm us in many aspects of our lives.  If you know someone who wants to get off drugs get them to an inpatient treatment center or one of the oxycontin rehabs where they can get safe and natural ways to detox and withdraw.  Something can be done about it.

Poughkeepsie, New York drug abuse

New York has a population of 32,736 and a crime index of 12 – 100 being the safest.  If you lived in New York you would have a 1 in 255 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime and if you lived in Poughkeepsie, New York you would have a 1 in 82 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime. Not surprisingly, nearby Albany drug rehabs are also kept quite busy.

The FBI collects information from 17,000 local law enforcements agencies and that is where they get the figures for these statements.  Just recently Poughkeepsie has had 7 murders, 21 rapes, 142 robberies and 228 assaults.  For every one thousand resident there are 44 of them that will be a victim.  Poughkeepsie crime rate is considerably higher than the national average across all communities in America.  According to Springfield is number 50 in the top 100 most dangerous cities to live in. reported in early April of 2012 that a Town of Poughkeepsie cop of 30 years pleaded not guilty in Duchess County Court to charges that he supplied drug dealer’s information in exchange for cocaine.  William Grady, District Attorney I Duchess County, said “Any breach of trust, that must exist between law enforcement and community must not be tolerated.  Some of the information provided compromised the identity of police officers, as well as the vehicles they were driving.”

There is a 35 count indictment against this cop that states that he met multiple times with dealers between 2008 and 2010.  It states that the cop used police computers to provide the men different kinds of information like license plate numbers of undercover police cars.

Town of Poughkeepsie Police Chief Thomas Mauro said, “This is the first police officer in the history of our department that has ever been arrested.  It is my hope that our community will look at this case fairly and objectively based on our history of total service to the residents of the Town of Poughkeepsie.”

Once this cop was indicated on this charge he of course got suspended.  Then he retired from the force shortly after his suspension and moved to another state.  If he is convicted, his retirement would include as much as 25 years in state prison.

Drugs do a number of unpleasant things to all of us.  This officer had been working for the police department for 30 years.  The exchange for cocaine is an indicator that he was addicted.  An addict will behave in all kinds of destructive behavior.  The bottom line is for each and every one of use to be responsible for ourselves and our actions and don’t do drugs.  If you know someone who wants to get off drugs get them to an inpatient treatment center or one of the oxycontin rehabs where they can get safe and natural ways to detox and withdraw.  Something can be done about it.

Fall River, MASS. Drug abuse

According to Fall River, Mass. has a population of 88,857 and a crime index of 9 – 100 being the safest.  If you lived in Massachusetts you would have a 1 in 214 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime and if you lived in Fall River, Mass. you would have a 1 in 81 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime. Not surprisingly, nearby Boston drug rehabs are also kept quite busy.

The FBI collects information from 17,000 local law enforcements agencies and that is where they get the figures for these statements.  Just recently Fall River has had 5 murders, 52 rapes, 252 robberies and 781 assaults.  For every one thousand resident there are 49 of them that will be a victim.  Fall River has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes.  According to Fall River is number 48 in the top 100 most dangerous cities to live in.

Earlier this year the Fall River Police and the Massachusetts State Police forced their way into a 22 year old’s apartment to serve a drug warrant.  What happened after was witnessed by his girl friend.  She said she saw him swallow some crack cocaine when they entered the apartment.  Shortly after they entered he died.  He was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital where he was pronounced dead.  The state’s medical examiner is conducting an autopsy.  The sister of the 22 year old and his girlfriend are saying that the drugs that he swallowed were not what killed him.  They are claiming that the police officers started to beat him right when they got into the apartment and he went unconscious.  There are others that knew him that tell the story that he was released from jail about a year ago and was trying to turn his life around.  One friend said, “He was a good man with too much heart to just deserve this.  He changed his life.”

That is what drugs can do to anyone, not just a resident of Fall River.  When he got out of jail he absolutely wanted to get straight and off drugs.  It is not easy to get off crack cocaine.  It is a very powerful drug that takes over your life.  In this case it meant the end of this young man’s life.  If you know someone who wants to get off drugs you need to get them some proper help.  Getting them to an Inpatient treatment center or one of the oxycontin rehabs where they get safe and natural detoxing as well as withdrawing; is the place to get them to.  If they don’t get this drug out of their system it will haunt them forever.  Something can be done about it.

Cincinnati, Ohio Drug Abuse Info

According to Cincinnati, Ohio has a population of 296,943 and a crime index of 1 – 100 being the safest.  If you lived in Ohio you would have a 1 in 317 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime and if you lived in Cincinnati, Ohio you would have a 1 in 81 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime. Not surprisingly, Cincinnati drug rehabs are also kept quite busy.

The FBI collects information from 17,000 local law enforcements agencies and that is where they get the figures for these statements.  Just recently Cincinnati has had 68 murders, 238 rapes, 2,122 robberies and 1,229 assaults.  For every one thousand resident there are 84 of them that will be a victim.  Cincinnati has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes.  According to Cincinnati is number 47 in the top 100 most dangerous cities to live in. reported this week that Cincinnati Police chief James Craig told a group at a City Council that he is serious about reducing violent crime and most of all his attention is on black-on-black violence.  He is saying that an investment in youth program and re-entry programs that help ex-offenders get and keep jobs is a very good idea.  He said he wants to do more than put up basketball hoops.  He feels that money spent on violence prevention is money saved.  There is already, much done about this but “we have go do more” Craig said.

There were about 150 people most of them African-American who went to this meeting Mayor Mark Mallory and nine members for the council thanked them for coming.  Mallory said, “You have a right to be concerned.  We are as well.”  Some of the ideas that were brought up were raising the Crime Stoppers rewards and introducing a motion to request $300,000 in city money to pad incentives leading to arrests and prosecutions to solve homicides.  Craig said, “If increased rewards would help they would be another tool in our tool belt.”

Craig offered some stats for violent crime in the city.  They were down 11 percent in 2011 compared with 2010.  Drugs do have great dealt o do with violent crime in any city.  Drugs are very harmful to all of us.  You may not see the effect it has on your everyday because you don’t use and abuse.  But if you look at the way your taxes are spent you find out that there a many dollars going to the drug war on drugs.  The law enforcement in your town will be very busy at all times fighting this war.  Drugs play a big part in the violence this city is experiencing. Helping ex-offenders get back on their feet is one way to stabilize the community and also to get them off drugs.  That is one way they can affect your everyday.  If you know someone who wants to get off drugs get them to an inpatient treatment center or one of the oxycontin rehabs where they can get safe and natural ways to detox and withdraw.  Something can be done about it.

Miami, Florida Drug Abuse Info

According to Miami, Florida has a population of 399,457 and a crime index of 3 – 100 being the safest.  If you lived in Florida you would have a 1 in 184 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime and if you lived in Miami, Florida you would have a 1 in 81 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime. Not surprisingly, Miami drug rehabs are also kept quite busy.

The FBI collects information from 17,000 local law enforcements agencies and that is where they get the figures for these statements.  Just recently Miami has had 68 murders, 47 rapes, 1,874 robberies and 2,940 assaults.  For every one thousand resident there are 66 of them that will be a victim.  Springfield has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes.  According to Miami is number 46 in the top 100 most dangerous cities to live in. Rehabs in Florida, rehabs in Louisiana, and all across the south often absorb some of the drug casualties related to this kind of crime.

Just recently in Miami Special Agent in charge, US Drug Enforcement Administration Miami Field Division Mark Trouville along with US Attorney Robert O’Neil issued a statement that a criminal complaint was filed charging a 42 year old, a 23 ad 24 year old Apopka resident.  The complaint read that they were knowingly and willfully conspiring to possess with intent to distribute Oxycodone and hydrocodone.  The complaint also stated that one of them stole prescriptions from her former employer, an Apopka physician and then conspired with the other tow to get controlled substances from pharmacies in the area and then they would distribute them.  She had actually gotten more than 8,000 dosage units of hydrocodone and Oxycodone.  The Prescription Drug Monitoring Drug Program was immediately consulted and it was found that the profile showed that people linked to prescriptions stolen by this woman were responsible for obtaining about 50,000 dosage units of controlled substance from December 2009 through Jan 2012.  This illegal behavior was brought to the attention of the law enforcement by an Apopka pharmacist, who became suspicious after calls to the Apopka physician’s office to verify prescriptions that were being handled by the suspect.

That is just one example of what is going on in Florida.  This case is part of a coordinated investigation by the DEA, the Volusia Bureau of Investigation and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.  All of them together have gotten many arrests of individuals for state and federal drug related offenses.  They would like all to know that a criminal complaint is just a formal charge that a person has committed a violation of the federal criminal laws and that person is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

If you know someone who wants to get off drugs get them to an inpatient treatment center or one of the oxycontin rehabs where they can get safe and natural ways to detox and withdraw.  Something can be done about it.

Alexandria, Louisiana Drug Abuse Info

According to Alexandria, Louisiana has a population of 47,723 and a crime index of 1 – 100 being the safest.  If you lived in Louisiana you would have a 1 in 182 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime and if you lived in Alexandria, Louisiana you would have a 1 in 80 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime.  The FBI collects information from 17,000 local law enforcements agencies and that is where they get the figures for these statements.  Just recently Alexandria has had 4 murders, 11 rapes, 184 robberies and 393 assaults.  For every one thousand resident there are 92 of them that will be a victim.  Alexandria has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes.  According to Alexandria is number 45 in the top 100 most dangerous cities to live in. Not surprisingly, nearby Lafayette drug rehabs are also kept quite busy. reported this week that the Alexandria Police along with the US marshals Taskforce made an arrest on a 35 year old woman for having synthetic marijuana in her car.  She was stopped for a traffic violation in the 800 block of MacArthur Drive in the early evening.  After a search of her vehicle it was found that she had synthetic marijuana and devices used to smoke the substance.  The matter gets worse when you think about the fact that she had two juveniles in the vehicle.  These two juveniles were released to the department’s Juvenile Detective Division.  The 35 year old was booked into the Rapides Parish Detention Center. Let’s hope that similar non-criminal cases out there get the detox help they need from rehabs in Louisiana before their troubles escalate.

Drugs are very harmful to all of us.  You may not see the effect it has on your everyday because you don’t use and abuse.  In this case a grown up was abusing youngsters as she provided what they wanted in the way of drugs.  That is a very harsh crime in my eyes.  These young people were being lead by an adult who had evil motives.  If you know someone who wants to get off drugs get them to an inpatient treatment center or one of the oxycontin rehabs where they can get safe and natural ways to detox and withdraw.  Something can be done about it.

Bridgeton, New Jersey Drug Abuse Info

According to Bridgeton, New Jersey has a population of 25,349 and a crime index of 7 – 100 being the safest.  If you lived in New Jersey you would have a 1 in 324 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime and if you lived in Bridgeton, New Jersey you would have a 1 in 79 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime.  The FBI collects information from 17,000 local law enforcements agencies and that is where they get the figures for these statements.  Just recently Bridgeton has had 4 murders, 1 rape, 126 robberies and 189 assaults.  For every one thousand resident there are 54 of them that will be a victim.  Bridgeton has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes.  According to Bridgeton is number 44 in the top 100 most dangerous cities to live in. Not surprisingly, nearby Vineland drug rehabs are kept quite busy as well. reports that early in the year of 2012 the police were patrolling Bridgeton City Park when they found a parked car near the zoo.  They investigated and they found that the passenger a 22 year old of Bridgeton Villas was wanted on outstanding warrants so they proceed to arrest him and then they find some narcotics on him.  He was charged with two counts of failure to appear out of Bridgeton Municipal Court on one count of hindering apprehension, one count of possession with intent to distribute crack cocaine, one count of possession of crack cocaine and one count of possession of less than 50 grams of marijuana.  He was also cited for being in the park after closing along with driver of the car.

Drugs are very harmful to all of us.  You may not see the effect it has on your everyday because you don’t use and abuse.  But if you look at the way your taxes are spent you find out that there a many dollars going to the drug war on drugs.  The law enforcement in your town will be very busy at all times fighting this war.  It may be that when you need one of them they will be too busy with other drug related incidents.  That is one way they can affect your everyday.  If you know someone who wants to get off drugs get them to an inpatient treatment center or to one of the oxycontin rehabs where they can get safe and natural ways to detox and withdraw.  Something can be done about it.

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