CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin

Oxycontin Addiction Rehab Success Stories

Oxycontin Addiction Rehab Success Stories

Woman embracing lifeI arrived in a rather terrible condition. I felt as though I would never recover hope. I thought myself a lost cause. I had spiraled out so far I had no idea who I was anymore and why my life god gone to pieces. I felt distant and empty when I looked inside.

I am forever grateful to the staff for guiding me through the darkest parts of my life and never once discouraging me. I have faced my inner demons, shed my addiction and completely rebuilt my entire self. I can feel again, see clearly again, love again. I have miraculously saved my life. I hadn’t realized it until now, but, I’m back! I’m free. No more addiciton. I can’t believe how far you guys have helped me travel, how strong you’ve taught me to become. I love each and every person that has been there for me along the way.

I’m finally free. I love you.

I would like to say that this program is great. I was a drug addict for a long time. I didn’t think that anything was wrong with me. Or what I was doing was wrong. I was a lost soul. Drugs were my escape. I didn’t think about how I was hurting others around me. I had the mentality that I was hurting myself and only myself. I didn’t want to handle my problems. I wasn’t able to confront life, situations, or anything. I couldn’t even look in a mirror and confront myself.

While going through this program and getting my mind clear, body clean and confronting my past, I am a new man. My past is my past. I am in the present. My life has new meaning. The world around me is much brighter. I know now that I need to keep social people in around mine and my family’s life. I live by a new code. An honor code. By living with this code and making the best decisions for the greatest good for myself and the world around me. There is only one road to travel. The road to survival!

Overcome Oxycontin Dependence Starting Today
Help is Available at (877) 340-3602

This program has given me my life back. It has given me the tools I need to live a productive, drug-free life. I feel I owe everything to this program and I am so much happier now than I was the day I came in. I feel very successful for graduating and I am eager to go live my life.
This has been by far the most rewarding and exceptionally beneficial thing I have ever done in my life. I walked in here five months ago a broken, dejected, pathetic excuse for a person. There have been more times than I can count when I wanted to give up and pack it in. But the most important thing I learned here was to push through whatever it seems like I can’t. So I did and I have made the most incredible turn around to date in my life. For the first time in over a decade I am happy, focused, motivated and confident, plus I’m comfortable in my own existence. All this without psych meds! I really never saw a future without the meds but it has been attained and I wake up everyday with a smile on my face. Everything I learned here has been invaluable and without it I doubt I could really fee this confident. This program saved my life and I am eternally grateful. Thank you staff! Thank you Narconon Louisiana!
CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin

Oxycontin Addiction Rehab

Oxycontin Addiction Rehab

More and more people have been searching the web for drug rehab centers to help kick their OxyContin addiction. Here at you can find information on what has quickly become one of the most common forms of abuse and addiction in the past few years. Although Oxycontin has only been on the market for a little over ten years, it has already ruined countless lives and hundreds of users have died. Most everyone has a story to tell either personally, or about someone they know. More and more people succumb to the numbing effects and Oxycontin abuse overtakes their lives.

Oxycontin is the trade name for the drug oxycodone hydrochloride. Oxycontin is basically a 12-hour time release formulation of oxycodone. It belongs to the group of painkillers known as opioids which are derived from the opium poppy. Other well known opioids are codeine, heroin and morphine. All opioids block the pain receptors in the brain. Oxycodone is also the active ingredient in other popular pain relievers, Percodan and Percocet. Oxycontin was approved by the FDA in 1995 intended for use for terminal cancer patients and chronic pain sufferers who are afflicted with conditions such as back pain, bursitis, arthritis, or for pain management resulting from injury including fractures.

Oxycodone has been around several decades and was used for post surgical pain, broken bones, migraines, back pain, etc. But while Percocet and Percodan only have about five milligrams of oxycodone, Oxycontin comes in doses of 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 milligrams.

The manufacturer of Oxycontin is Purdue Pharma. Top company executives have been found guilty of intentionally misleading the public about abuse risks of Oxycontin and settled in court after admitting in a federal lawsuit to making false and misleading statements that OxyContin was not as addictive or as likely to be abused as other pain medications.

How Oxycontin Works

Unlike aspirin or acetaminophen, oxycodone does not have a threshold to its effectiveness. The more one takes, the more relief it provides. Or, unfortunately, once hooked, the more one takes, the more one attempts to get a better high.

Oxycodone enters the body and works by stimulating certain opioid receptors which are located within the central nervous system, along the spinal cord and in the brain. Once the oxycodone meshes with the opioid receptors, the user experiences pain relief along with other physiological responses such as slowed breathing and euphoria. As you can well imagine by now, Oxycontin can be dangerously addictive.

Both opioids, Oxycontin and heroin have very similar effects making it attractive to drug abusers and is sometimes referred to as the “poor man’s heroin” despite its high price on the streets.

Surprisingly enough, users can buy Oxycontin online as well as through normal channels. Available in 10 milligrams (mg), 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg and 160 mg tablets in different colors and sizes according to dosage for oral administration. Each pill is imprinted with “OC” on one side and number designation of its dosage on the opposite side. The drug is designed to slowly release over time so the prescribed dose is twice a day. One should never break, crush or chew oxycotin as this will result in the tablet
being released all at once which could result in an overdose, potentially fatal. Oxycontin abusers go so far as to crush the tablets and snort the drug or even crush tablets, dissolve in water, and then inject it like heroin.

While Oxycontin is prescribed to alleviate severe pain, it also artificially stimulates the reward center or “pleasure” areas of the brain without anything beneficially happens to the body. This leads to increased confidence in Oxycontin and less confidence in the normal rewards of life. Soon there is less and less interest in other aspects of life where normal pleasure is derived, such as personal relationships, places and activities. Eventually the user will start to resent anything which does not fit into their drug abusing lifestyle.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin

Prescription drug addiction

Prescription drug addiction

Years of research have shown us that addiction to any drug, illicit or prescribed, is a brain disease that can, like other chronic diseases, be effectively treated. But no single type of treatment is appropriate for all individuals addicted to prescription drugs. Treatment must take into account the type of drug used and the needs of the individual. To be successful, treatment may need to incorporate several components, such as counseling in conjunction with a prescribed medication, and multiple courses of treatment may be needed for the patient to make a full recovery.

The two main categories of drug addiction treatment are behavioral and pharmacological. Behavioral treatments teach people how to function without drugs, how to handle cravings, how to avoid drugs and situations that could lead to drug use, how to prevent relapse, and how to handle relapse should it occur. When delivered effectively, behavioral treatments – such as individual counseling, group or family counseling, contingency management, and cognitive-behavioral therapies – also can help patients improve their personal relationships and ability to function at work and in the community.

Some addictions, such as opioid addiction, can also be treated with medications. These pharmacological treatments counter the effects of the drug on the brain and behavior. Medications also can be used to relieve the symptoms of withdrawal, to treat an overdose, or to help overcome drug cravings. Although a behavioral or pharmacological approach alone may be effective for treating drug addiction, research shows that a combination of both, when available, is most effective.


Treating addiction to prescription opioids

Several options are available for effectively treating addiction to prescription opioids. These options are drawn from experience and research regarding the treatment of heroin addiction. They include medications, such as methadone and LAAM (levo-alpha-acetyl-methadol), and behavioral counseling approaches.

A useful precursor to long-term treatment of opioid addiction is detoxification. Detoxification in itself is not a treatment for opioid addiction. Rather, its primary objective is to relieve withdrawal symptoms while the patient adjusts to being drug free. To be effective, detoxification must precede long-term treatment that either requires complete abstinence or incorporates a medication, such as methadone, into the treatment plan.

Methadone is a synthetic opioid that blocks the effects of heroin and other opioids, eliminates withdrawal symptoms, and relieves drug craving. It has been used successfully for more than 30 years to treat people addicted to opioids. Other medications include LAAM, an alternative to methadone that blocks the effects of opioids for up to 72 hours, and naltrexone, an opioid blocker that is often employed for highly motivated individuals in treatment programs promoting complete abstinence. Buprenorphine, another effective medication, is awaiting Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for treatment of opioid addiction. Finally, naloxone, which counteracts the effects of opioids, is used to treat overdoses.

Swedish Massage Therapy Swedish massage therapy uses various techniques, which are generally sequenced as follows: 1. Effleurage this is a gliding stroke using the palms, fingertips and/or thumbs 2. Petrissage a general kneading of the muscles 3. Friction this is a circular pressing motion using the palms of the hands as well as fingertips and thumbs 4. Vibration the use of oscillatory movement to vibrate or shake the body 5.

Percussion a brisk tapping or hacking movement 6. Passive and active movements a variety of bending and stretching movements One way that Swedish massage deeply relaxes muscles is by rubbing in the direction of blood flow to your heart. It can also lessen the amount of recovery time from a strained muscle by helping release uric acid, lactic acid, and other wastes accumulated. In other words, when our muscles are injured or stressed they contract and inflame, preventing oxygen and nutrients to travel through and trapping toxins inside. Massage is a great way of releasing those toxins and restoring health to the muscle.

Swedish massage can also significantly benefit those with sciatica, stiff joints, fractures, and arthritis. It also stretches tendons and ligaments and increases range of motion. Swedish massage may also reduce physical and emotional stress, which can create a greater sense of awareness about the body. Deep tissue massage can also reduce or eliminate scar tissue and improve circulation. People with fibromyalgia, edema, frequent muscle cramping, neck and back pain, or other chronic pain conditions may significantly benefit from deep tissue massage.

However, even if you do not have any of these illnesses you can still enjoy the effects of this type of massage. There are several types of massage, and one that is rapidly becoming very popular is deep tissue massage . This is a type of massage that is aimed at the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. During a deep tissue massage, your therapist will use his or her fingers to apply pressure and knead your muscles in a motion that goes against the grain. The purpose of this method is to release built up tension and undo the knots in your muscles.

Deep tissue massage also has many health benefits as well. When we become tense or stressed out, our muscles contract and become rigid. The stress in our muscles prevents essential nutrients and oxygen from traveling to the right parts of the body. This traps toxins inside our muscles and causes inflammation, which can be very painful. However, deep tissue massage targets the knotted up muscles by applying pressure to loosen muscles and release any built up toxins.

In general, you should make sure to drink lots of water after receiving a deep tissue massage to help rid your body of these toxins. Pre-event sports massage helps to stretch and warm up muscles, making them flexible so that the athlete is at peak performance. This is also a way to stimulate oxygen, nutrient, and blood flow to the muscles and help prevent a serious injury. It is also common for an athlete to get nervous or stressed out before an event. Pre-event massage therapy is a way of soothing the athlete, relaxing his or her muscles, and instilling a sense of eagerness to perform.

Post-event sports massage is used as a form of healing microtraumas that are caused by heavy exercising. This type of massage also reduces cramping, helps maintain flexibility, loosens stiff and tired muscles, and increases blood flow. Post-event massage therapy can also make recovery much faster for strains, pulls, and soreness. Maintenance massage is generally used as part of the training program at least once a week. It is basically used to increase blood flow and prevent scar tissue from forming, while keeping muscles flexible.

Shiatsu Massage Shiatsu massage, also commonly referred to as acupressure, uses the technique of applying pressure with the fingers on certain points of the body. Traditionally this is done to maintain harmony and good health, yet we also know there are many healthy benefits as well. Shiatsu massage is known to boost the immune system, improve circulation, relieve stress, and reduce pain. It has also been known to treat various gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion, constipation, and diarrhea. Shiatsu massage has been attributed to improving emotional well-being and enhancing physical vitality.

People who suffer from depression and anxiety can be positively impacted by shiatsu massage, as well as those affected by insomnia. According to a study from 1999, the people who received shiatsu massages slept better and woke up less during the night. There has also been a study concluding that shiatsu massage may help stroke victims rehabilitate, along with other forms of treatment. Thai Massage There are a great many ways that Thai massage can benefit a person’s health. It can eliminate muscle spasms and muscle pain, while improving range of motion and flexibility.

Thai massage also stimulates internal organs, blood flow, and lymph drainage. It relieves headache, fatigue, painful joints, and swollen limbs while allowing a release of emotional stress. Studies also show that Thai massage instills a great sense of relaxation, calms the nervous system, and helps promote increased energy levels.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin,  Uncategorized

Mental healing for oxy addicts

There are times when the person after the surgery is ought to feel excessive pain and agony. The only way to overcome this problem is to give you a drug that would suppress the feeling of pain and anger. The most of the doctors in America would prescribe you OxyContin or commonly known as Oxy. The drug is very addictive and one has a tendency of developing addiction towards it.

The patients find it even more addictive because it has similarities to heroine drug. The people who are addicted to this drug are treated with buprenorphine drug. The most of the people do not even realize that they are addicted to this drug by the time they are totally into the drug.

The physical symptoms of the drug are anxiety, nausea, restlessness, cramping, etc. One of the worse symptoms is loss of appetite; the person taking the drug would feel that there has been some kind of reduction in need of food. The hunger would decrease and person would have addition to his or her problems. When you have so many symptoms hovering around you should know that it is not fine and you need help.

When it comes to overcoming this problem of addiction one should also opt for a very strong method known as hypnosis. This is one of the most effective methods to overcome problems of addiction to alcohol, cigarettes, food, etc. The best of the doctors also recommend this process as there are very little chances of getting wrong or may be negligible.

There can be self hypnosis also practiced over the period of time. But first you would have to take a course of hypnosis from the professional hypnotherapist. They would solve your problem and put an end to your addiction. So, take a step towards good life.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin,  Uncategorized

Oxy and your children

The OxyContin or oxy is a drug that is used to help the patients forget the pain. This is a very effective drug and that is why most of the doctors prescribe it. But the drug has its own side effects and one should know that the drug is addictive. This addictiveness is not only for the young people but is irrespective of age. The major addiction comes from the teenagers and their parents should take the responsibilities.

The teenagers would not tell their parents that they are addicted to the drug or they have developed an affinity towards it. The drug is addictive because the taste of it resembles to the taste of heroine which is usually taken as drug abuse. The teenagers would not let their doctors also know about their addiction and would go for illegal drugs.

Buying the drugs online is not safe, not all the stores are authorized to provide you the drug and especially without a prescription. This is not the right way and there are many consequences of such drugs. The illegal drugs would be given to you at a cheaper rate than the other drugs and this may be because its expiry date has crossed.

The funds for these drugs would come from their pocket money or stealing from their parents. The parents need to know whether their child has got addicted to the drug or not. There are some symptoms or signs that their child is addicted to drugs and they are nausea, frequent headache, loss of appetite, anxiety, lightness, depression, constipation, restlessness, etc. These are the most common signs that you need to look out for.

So, if you find that your child is addicted to drugs then do not scold or beat him or her, otherwise you will lose them. Instead help them to come out of it and stay as close to them as possible.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin,  Uncategorized

Global Dependency on Oxycontin

When it comes to healing pain we would seek any way possible to get rid of the pain. The most of the patients around the world go for drug solutions. There is a huge amount of global dependency on the drugs like OxyContin. This is a drug provided to the patient, if he or she is in terrible pain. The purpose of the drug is to release HCL acid slowly into the body so that the feeling of pain would disappear.

Oxycodone hydrochloride is the original name of the drug and is manufactured by organization of Purdue Pharma. OxyContin is commonly known as Oxy and it is an opioid analgesic. There are many side effects of this drug and it has the worst one of addiction like in the case of morphine. The OxyContin is an oral drug which is provided to the patients and the dosage strength ranges from 10mg to 80mg.

The most of the doctors would recommend the usage of this drug and since the drug works really well it has been taken by most of the hospitals around the globe. You need to understand that any drug would have its side effects and coming out of the addiction to a drug is really difficult. The patients around the world after taking the Oxy drug for more than several weeks face the withdrawal side effects.

The most of the parts of the body would not function properly and due to which there would be terrible physical and mental trauma. So, the patients would have no other choice but to go back to the drug. But if you let your doctor know on this case then you can come out of the drug abuse with some proper treatment and medication. The slow process of removing the usage of the drug from daily basis is the only way to be drug free.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin

How to Avoid Oxy and Other Such Medications

There are many drugs that affect the health of the patient and one such drug is OxyContin or commonly known as Oxy. The most of the people around the world, if asked would go for the drugs than natural treatment. When you are in terrible pain and agony, you would like to take some immediate action to get that feeling away.

The OxyContin drug does just that to your body. This is a very effective drug and just like any other drug comes with many side effects. The worst one of them is addiction. There are many patients that would fall for this drug because it has similar taste to drugs like heroine. Once you have started taking this drug then it would be really difficult for you to come out of it.

After several weeks of taking this drug, there are very bad effects on the patient when he or she goes for the withdrawal. This is another reason why patients tend to get addicted to this drug. The most of the patients would suffer high amount of pain in their body and also in their head. There would have been over exertion of the body and some of the functions which were suppressed by the drug.

There should specific medical consultation before the person takes any withdrawal steps. The patients would find it less difficult to get off the drug gradually than suddenly. The patients who have severe addiction to this drug would not find it any difficult to come out of it with the help of detox treatment. The drug addiction can be easily treated and the some of the best practitioners recommend hypnosis therapy. The relapse is one of the biggest problems and whenever the person feels like going back to the drug, self hypnosis can also be applied. Consult your doctor because addiction is treatable.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin

Rise of Depression in the Society

The most of the patients who take OxyContin would have many side effects to face and the most terrifying of it is the addiction to the drug, the drug has similar taste to that of heroine and that is why the addicition is very much possible. The patients rely on this drug so much that the withdrawal effects are also very bad which pushes them back to the drugs.

The patients who are taking the drug for more than two weeks can have problems in withdrawal such as Hydrocodone. In this drug would have depressed some of the functions of the body mainly physical and when they are used again there is over exertion of it. The opioids would result in calmness, sleepiness and constipation. So, when there is withdrawal the patient is bound to feel anxiety, insomnia and diarrhea. The secondary symptoms include sweating, restlessness, chills, muscle pain, yawning, runny nose and teariness.

The depression is one of the symptoms of the drug and some of the people who are already depressed in society would opt for drugs. The depression has killed the society and most of the credit goes to the drugs. They have influenced people to take up drugs and when left the people suffer. The most of the people though said live in a society live a lonely life and this is one of the reasons for depression.

When people have no one to talk to or have deep emotions, in order to hide them they seek the help of drugs, alcohol, cigarette, etc. These problems can be solved by seeking help where people are helped by people. The interaction classes and the therapies of psychologist can prove to be very effective. The drugs are not going to suppress the problem but they will increase it, so fight it.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin

Oxy Rehab Vs Natural Therapy

The OxyContin is one of the drugs that will cure your pain and relieve you from the trauma. It is one of the most effective drugs but it is no different than any of them. The drug comes with many side effects and withdrawal effects. The people who suffer from high levels of pain and agony are provided this drug. The drug is made up of HCL salt and is originally known as Oxycodone hydrochloric. The drug is taken orally in the form of tablets and the drug comes in strengths of 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg and 80 mg.

The OxyContin is a very addictive drug and the people who take this drug would have to face many problems at the time of withdrawal. The doctors who have prescribed you this drug can help you a lot and with their instructions you can come out of it easily.

The OxyContin rehabs also have been one of the best solutions for the people addicted to the drug. There can be times when a person would think that rehabs are much better than the natural therapy. But it would be better to go by the natural way.

The natural therapy is more painful and more time taking but the results are assured and the person would come out totally clean. There would be no need for that person to go back to the drug again. But it the case of rehabs, there are a few cases in which the person goes back to the drug but they are minimal. The detox treatment is one of the most important parts of the rehab treatment apart from education and consultation.

Both the treatments have their cons and pros but all that matters most is your attitude. You need to have the right kind of attitude to come out of the struggle with drugs and finally give it up.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin

After Care of Oxycontin Rehab Treatment

OxyContin is a very addictive drug and this is because of its taste being similar to heroine. The drug is very effective but is addictive and the people who get addicted are prone to drug abuse. The OxyContin rehab facilities allow all its patients to come out of drug and then the patients would not have to go back to drugs again. But there are some patients who do go back to drugs but it is not due to the insufficient treatment at the rehabs but due to the metal attitude and approach.

There are many OxyContin patients who think that only the detox therapy would be more than enough for their withdrawal but the after care treatment is also very necessary. There are many people who go back to the OxyContin addiction and there are very high rates of relapses taking place after the treatment. The survey shows that only 2% of people after the detox therapy alone are able to make out of addiction. This is because the metal dependence of people on the drug. It is the psychological barrier, which makes them coming back to the drug again and again.

There are some of the points that you need to keep in mind for the aftercare of the OxyContin rehab treatment:

•    You should have a strong mental attitude that would not allow you to go back to the drug.
•    You need to provide yourself a clean and sober living place where you feel the flow of fresh air.
•    You need to throw away all the means in which you can get the drug and think that you are perfectly fine.
•    You should divert your mind to something you like to do and also you can stay in friends and circles where you do not need the help of drugs.
•    You should go for the consultation for the addiction every week and explain what you are doing and what else can be done.

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