CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

Finally in charge of an orchestra, thanks to good old Ativan

Finally in charge of an orchestra, thanks to good old Ativan

When I heard about this blogsite, I wanted to share my experience with Ativan with everyone, as I think that this medication can help a lot of people with problems that might seem insolvable to them. My story is not one that is too exciting or anything like that, but it can be educational for some people and it may help a lot of people deal with their anxiety and panic demons.
Namely, for years I have been a violinist.

I have played in all the local orchestras and I even got a job in one of the major orchestras in my states. And I never had any troubles going out on the stage with my colleagues and playing. I guess it has to do with the fact that I was just one of the many and that no one is paying any extra attention to me.

However, I suffered an injury doing some DIY and I simply couldn’t get my hand back to the health that I needed for professional violin playing. I thought that everything was over and that I will never work in music. However, I then decided to get into the program for conductors that is not exactly like college, but which gives you enough knowledge to conduct local orchestras.

So, I enrolled and I finished it. Soon enough, my first concert was up and for the first time I was an individual who gets all the looks from the audience. I realized that everyone is looking at me and I started shaking like a twig in no time. I felt as if I could hear every single voice in the audience and the room started to spin. I lifted my baton and I saw it shaking so much that it almost started to look as if made from rubber, you know that illusion.

Anyway, I managed to stumble through that concert and I immediately went to my shrink to ask him what the hell happened, as it was a very scary episode, not only annoying and preventing me from doing my new job, but genuinely scary, like something from Terry Gilliam movies.

Not pleasant at all. And then my doctor told me that I suffered a panic attack and that I should try Ativan, the medication that he often prescribes in cases when you only need to take it on special occasions, like concerts in my case. He also told me that it will probably reduce the chance of future panic attacks occurring.

So, the next time I was conducting, I took my prescribed dose of Ativan and I cannot tell you how much it helped me. Once more, I was enjoying the music, really enjoying myself. I felt like Tom from Tom and Jerry when he conducts and has the time of his life.

With Ativan I was Tom, really getting my dose of music enjoyment. Since then, I used it a couple more times, but to tell you the truth, I haven’t had a panic attack in five or six concerts. I can only guess I have Ativan to thank.

CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

I would have been unable sleep for days without Ativan

I would have been unable sleep for days without Ativan

I have been reading testimonials from people who have been taking Ativan and I have discovered that in most cases they have been taking the medication for severe anxiety and panic attacks. However, I was taking Ativan for something completely different and I would like to share my story as it is another testimony to the potential of this amazing drug.

Namely, it was some three or four years ago. I had to undergo surgery due to stomach ulcers that have been bothering me since I was in my teens. I guess that being a nervous guy really didn’t work out that great in my cases. Still, cannot complain.

Anyway, for years and decades I was able to control my condition with different medications and special diet. However, the doctor that has been following my case for at least ten years decided that it was about time to get in there and do some maintenance work as the drugs were getting less and less efficient in helping me with my ulcers.

So, I was scheduled for surgery. As my surgery day closed in, I started noticing that I have troubles sleeping. Some twenty-odd days before surgery I started really having troubles. I would spend hours turning in my bed, thinking about my surgery, you know, the usual surgery stuff.

And as the surgery was getting closer and closer, I was sleeping less and less. I don’t know if you have ever experienced this anxiety insomnia, but it is just awful. It is not that you simply cannot fall asleep. It turns into some kind of a vicious cycle in which you cannot sleep because you think about the surgery (in my case) and then you think about it because you cannot fall asleep.

It simply has no end. I told this to my surgeon and he told me that this is perfectly normal, as many people experience the same before surgery. I asked him for a solution and he simply said Ativan. I was supposed to take my dose of Ativan before going to bed each night and I was supposed to be okay.

I was more than okay. I was falling asleep as if there was no surgery ever mentioned in my presence. I wasn’t constantly thinking about going to surgery in a few days. The surgery went great and my doctor suggested that I continue taking Ativan for a few days after the surgery, just to help me fall asleep more easily and to recuperate a bit better and more efficiently.

Well, that is my experience with Ativan and I hope that you have found out something more about this medication whose hypnotic properties must never be doubted and who is as great for acute insomnia as it is for panic attacks.

CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

Finally getting roles thanks to Ativan

Finally getting roles thanks to Ativan

Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be an actress. However, I never wanted to be a TV actress, or a movie actress. I wanted to act in the theatre and to spend my life in front of people, doing the most natural and the most difficult type of acting; acting live.

And since I was five I have been acting whenever the opportunity presented itself. I acted in elementary school, I acted in high school and I even went to college, studying theatre and focusing on acting. And I haven’t had a single problem until one audition. I have been to a hundred auditions before and I always managed to go through it all, not even thinking about being nervous.

And this day, all of a sudden, I froze. I choked. In fact, there is not a word that could appropriately describe that feeling. Maybe there is word for it in some other language, but English language lacks this word. A word that encompasses so many feelings and so many processes happening at the same time inside me.It was an audition just like every other.

Okay, maybe the theatre was bigger than any I have auditioned for before and the role was one of the leading roles, but it was nothing I haven’t done thousand times before. I stood in front of the director and the casting agent and I simply disappeared inside myself. That was the worst feeling ever. I felt my hands filling with sweat, I felt my heart pumping as if I was staring down the barrel of a gun, the sound was muffled and it seemed as if I am in some kind of a tunnel. I could hear what they asked from me, but I just couldn’t do what I wanted.

I wouldn’t wish that to happen to my worst enemy.
And the worst thing is that this happened at the next audition and the one after that. I realized that I have a bit of a problem and I asked my psychiatrist what was going on.

That is the first time I ever heard the expression panic attacks. I didn’t even know that there is something like that and that it can happen to anyone, anytime. I was relieved that it was nothing unusual, but I was still no closer to solving it. I tried with some relaxation techniques and stuff like that, but it simply didn’t work.

My psychiatrist then prescribed Ativan to me and I started taking it every time I go for an audition. The effects are just staggering. I feel as relaxed as when I was a little girl, acting in front of my family.

I have no issues with acting in front of the most demanding and the most nitpicky directors and I started getting bigger and bigger roles after each audition. And the funny thing is that I don’t need Ativan at all when I act in front of an audience. Only in auditions. I am lucky to have such a strong ally in Ativan.

CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

Ativan and me winning cases

Ativan and me winning cases

One of the biggest misconceptions people have is that every court case is like something from A Few Good Men and such movies which tend to exaggerate it all a bit. If they made movies that were realistically representing the work lawyers do, no one would watch it.

I myself have never trapped a witness or done anything Tom Cruise or Mathew McConaughey-like in my seven years that I have been a lawyer. In fact, in most cases, it all gets done without any jury and it is all mainly paperwork. One might say that it is among the most boring jobs in the world, unless you love it and unless you are really into it all.

And I am. I love being a lawyer, despite the bad press we get. In fact, I am not a bad guy at all, I think.
However, I had my problems when I started practicing law.

The first few dozen cases were the usual run-of-the-mill ones. It’s only myself, the other lawyer and the judge and it was all pretty uneventful. And then, one day, I was to have my first case in front of the jury. It was nothing spectacular, but it was the first time I was supposed to practice law in front of the jury.

And to make things even worse, the case was quite important locally, which meant that there will also be TV crews outside and correspondents inside the courtroom. From the very morning I could feel my throat closing up and my hands sweating every time I saw anything that had to do with the case.

I was well prepared and more than ready for the case, but there was something inside me, telling me that I could screw up and that I could easily become the talk of the town, how I lost the case and how I was no good. This made me so nervous that I was a lump of shivering meat and sweat by the time I was supposed to utter my first sentence.

Luckily, there were other people in my team and I had to leave it to them to handle the case. It was horrible. I had the feeling that I left both me and the client down. I wanted to make sure that this doesn’t happen ever again and so I went to a shrink, for the first time in my life.

He told me straight away that it was a panic attack. I told him that I do not want this to happen ever again and that I need something that will prevent this if I feel it coming on.

The shrink prescribed Ativan to me and the next time I went to court feeling queasy and nervous I popped my dose and everything was more than okay. I needed it a few times more and after that, I somehow grew out of it. I guess I became more confident and I actually have no need for Ativan anymore. Still, it saved my career.

CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

My son has now taken over the firm with a little help from Ativan

My son has now taken over the firm with a little help from Ativan

I ran my car dealership for decades, literally for decades. Let’s just say that I still remember the big crises in the ‘70s when you couldn’t give a car away. Over the years, I managed to keep the dealership afloat, even expand a bit. I was very happy when my son said that he would love to become a car salesman himself. I guess it had something to do with all that time spent on the floor with other guys.So over the years, he became one of the guys.

He started from the bottom, as I never pushed him or gave him favorable treatment in any way. He also preferred it that way, as he knew that he could be one of the guys and not my son.  And it went on for years; he was becoming a car salesman in his own. And then, a few years ago, my doctor told me that my heart is telling me to stop selling the cars and to go into retirement. And to tell you the truth, I didn’t mind it at all. I was looking forward to spending time with my wife and with the grandkids.

Finally, I decided to retire and I left the reigns to my son. I wanted the company to stay in the family, and him being a car salesman (and a good one). I decided to pass the dealership onto him. That is when the problems started. It turned out that he was nervous when he had to talk in front of the guys, like we do at the beginning of each week, sometimes even each day. I could see the terror in his eyes. He knew these guys well and yet, he was trembling, his voice was breaking and his eyes wondered across the room.

It was even worse when we went to official lunches and conferences with the owners of other dealerships. Whenever he had to make a speech, he would freeze, completely unable to utter a word. So, I introduced him to my old shrink, a guy older than me, but still the best damn shrink in the world.

He immediately knew what was going on and he prescribed my son Ativan. He said it was the best thing in such cases, those panic attacks and anxiety episodes that he had occasionally. And really, the changes were apparent from the very moment he took Ativan.

The next day, he held the best motivational speech I have ever heard. He actually had the guys excited about going out there and selling cars. Some of them even shouted as they were leaving the meeting room. Also, his speech was a killer at the next convention, with other owners rolling on the floor with laughter. I was finally sure that the dealership will be sailing without any problems with my son at the helm and Ativan played a role in this. I don’t think he takes it anymore, but it sure did its job.

CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

How Ativan changed my life

I never doubted my intellectual competency. I was always among the top 5% of my class, both in elementary and high school. Then I enrolled college to major in history. Before I went to college I never thought of girls, I was comfortable enough with playing World War 2 themed video games, and somehow I got on with life observing everything through WW2 references. By the time I got to college something changed and I started to feel the urge to hang out with more people, especially girlsHow Ativan changed my life.

Since I was never good at presenting myself verbally, I decided to use social networks and dating sites in order to meet women around the world as I thought this would be a more elegant option for me. At first I just browsed looking for someone with similar interests, but finding a woman that is also into WW2 and history is not an easy task. However, it is not impossible if you dedicate some time to it. After some extensive browsing I decided to approach this Japanese girl who was actually into the same stuff as I was and who seemed like a nice girl. Cute too. However, the things took a wrong turn there.  Whenever I wanted to type something I started panicking about everything. The stuff I was usually confident about such as my grammar and the style of writing suddenly became very hard as I was struggling to type anything concise. My palms were also getting sweaty and them keyboard was literally slipping out of my hands.

I did not know what to do. Finally I find someone with similar interests and I can’t find the necessary confidence. And I just wanted someone to talk and confess to in a manner I knew I’m good at. I
started looking up symptoms on the web and after a while I bumped into this thing called Ativan. I read a testimony from people who said that it did wonders for them in situations that were very much the same as mine.

I really wanted to get to know this girl from Japan and next day I went out to get my Ativan prescription. The effects were stunning! All of a sudden I was able to release my inner Patton and crack all kinds of WW2 jokes and references, and she loved it. I was able to focus and there was none of the sweating and worrying if she gets something as offensive or politically incorrect. Thanks to Ativan, I discovered
new, deep levels of my humor and it was obvious she could sense it, too.

After that I felt liberated. I started talking to girls from all over the globe, still focusing on the girls who are interested in history, but also broadening my horizons. To use some WW2 terminology,  I am now a rather confident internet lover and I’ve got nurses from all over the world healing my war wounds (long nights spent studying) as I’m able to balance my internet relationships with the life in college. It really gives me the perspective on everything and allows me to express myself the best way I can. All thanks to

CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

Anxiety Related to Sexual Performance

Anxiety Related to Sexual Performance

You had a lovely day with a great and the most adorable woman with whom you had always wanted to be, and are now eagerly waiting for that great climax happening. But alas! Your mind is just worrying you to death because you cant come to terms with the fact that whether you will be able to do your much awaited sexual act between the sheets, successfully or not.

Relax! There is nothing to worry about your sexual performance. Whether a person is a beginner or a seasoned professional, he is bound to be under the grip of anxiety before he indulges in the sexual act that he had been waiting for. Sexual performance anxiety is very common. The more the importance of your relationship is, the greater your anxiety performance. Ultimately what happens is, your worst fears come true and you do not perform as to your expectations. The result of your anxiety is that you end up with a low confidence and self esteem, you start avoiding sexual overtures, which can further deteriorate your relationship and finally you may develop sexual dysfunction.

What is that which actually gets on your ‘nerves’? It can be anything, ranging from the stress of your everyday life, or due to the scolding that you got from your boss, some financial problem or any other problem. These are the issues which are preoccupying your mind and are deterring you from performing satisfactorily. You can surely get rid of anxiety and worry. Try to forget about your stress and think about the pleasure that you can get if you perform as expected. If you do so you can surely get rid of your performance anxiety. In fact performance anxiety and your actual sexual performance go hand in hand. If you worry and are anxious about your sexual performance too much you will truly end up with your worst fears turning true, which in turn will again lead to your anxiety. When a sexual problem occurs more than once, part of you can begin to expect it to happen, causing a conditioning effect to occur. Then, even thinking about sex can cause anxiety, which inhibits your natural sex response.

If you want to come out of the vicious circle of this performance induced anxiety then the best remedy is that you should go for counseling because talking about your problems to some professional can surely ease that stress induced anxiety in your brain and can help you. Hypnosis therapy also works well for many people because during the hypnotic therapy the hidden fears lying in the sub-conscious mind are removed by proper therapy.

CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children

Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children

Anxiety is a condition which is not only seen in the adults but also in the children. If you observe the behavior of the kids you will realize that they too at some stage suffer anxiety disorder. If the children are not taught to cope up with this anxiety then in late childhood they may develop performance anxiety and in adolescence may have social phobia.

Anxiety can often be noticed in kids right from the time they are 4 months old to 24 months old. Infants can easily be noticed to get terrified when they happen to hear some loud noise all of a sudden. It is also quite normal for the child to cry if separated from his care-giver. The crying of a child when his parent is not near him is a way to show his anxiety. A child cries when his parents are away or at least one of the parent to whom he is more attached is not near him. The crying of the child exhibits his fear of going away from his parents or the fear that his parents may not return and would be lost for ever. It is this anxious feeling that makes the child cry.

The parents should never bribe a child to get rid of the child’s crying. Instead the parents should teach the child to learn to adjust to the new surroundings. The child should be made to understand gently. In no way should a child be scolded to quit his behavior forcibly. Toddlers who start going to preschool may also display at times such anxiety when they move out of the cozy and protective environment of their homes and reach amidst such people whom they are not familiar with. At this time the teachers should take care of the child. Make the child believe that he is quite safe just like the other children. If the child becomes extremely anxious and starts panicking then the parent should be allowed to see off the child till his class room but should not sneak back again into the class.

Some children seem to be more irritable or clingy while they are in their infancy. Such children find it exceedingly difficult to adjust to their transitions or their daily schedule.

Such children are more likely to develop anxiety when they grow up. Hence children with such kind of temperament are more easily to develop anxiety when they grow up further. There are several factors which are responsible for the anxiety in children. The factors can be tiredness, major or minor illness, any change or transition in the house hold, birth of a sibling, family changes like somebody’s death or illness etc.

There are certain treatments available for such children who are suffering from anxiety disorder. Behavioral therapy is often beneficial for both the child and his parents. Counseling proves to be of immense help for the child and his parents. In few cases where the counseling or the behavioral therapy fails, medication can be combined with it but for children, medications should be given only when the alternative methods fail. But medication is needed for a minority of children who have persistent symptoms, resistant to behavior modification and psychotherapy.

CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

How Old is the Disease of Anxiety Disorder

How Old is the Disease of Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety Disorder does not need much of an introduction to the people these days. Thanks to the ever mounting pressure in our daily life, be it lifestyle pressure or professional pressure, anxiety disorder is no alien disease to us. But interestingly anxiety disorder was first recognized only in 1980, by the American Psychiatric Association. Before this, even if people went to a physician received the general diagnosis of just simply ‘stress’ or ‘nerves’. This was one of the main reasons that people hardly cared for this condition thinking that it would soon pass. More over the physicians also had the least knowledge of the disease and that was also one of the reasons that the people never received any effective treatment. It was only after 1980 that people began to recognize the possible threat to a person’s personality and severe disabilities that could be associated with anxiety disorder, like agoraphobia, drug abuse, etc.

Often people used to think that anxiety or stress is basically a ‘woman’s problem’ but in reality it does not spare even the men. In fact the current researches show that anxiety disorder can inflict even the children and the elderly. The awareness that the people have today about anxiety disorder is basically because of the exposure of the researches in front of the media.

History of the Treatment of Anxiety Disorder

Media has been instrumental in spreading the awareness about anxiety disorder and hence more and more people are showing interest now to visit the physician and get them selves examined for their condition. Men, who otherwise considered the disease troubling only for women, now realize that this is not true and hence like to take a doctor’s advice to treat their condition even if it is just the onset of the disease.

In olden days when the disease of anxiety disorder was not much recognized, people used to employ some strange, humorous and sometimes even painful methods to treat themselves of their condition of anxiety. Sometimes the methods of treatment involved were really very dangerous. Many people used herbal medicines or balms to treat their anxiety disorder. Some people tried to give extreme hot and cold temperatures to the body. Some people used to bathe in extreme cold water of the rivers and the streams, used health spas etc. but there were even some crazy people who inflicted deliberate pain to their bodies, like blood-letting using the leeches to suck the blood. With the emergence of psycho-analysis and Freud’s psycho theories, people gradually began to understand the psychological basis of the disease and started visiting a therapist in order to consult about their disease. With the entry of pharmaceuticals in curing the condition people slowly started relying on medicines, although it was not yet known by the name of ‘Anxiety Disorder’.

CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

Drug Interactions—Grapefruit juice and Xanax

Xanax is an anti-anxiety drug belonging to the class of benzodiazepine drugs. Benzodiazepines are sedatives that cause dose-related depression of the central nervous system. They are useful in treating anxiety, insomnia, and muscle spasms. Xanax is administered to the patients who suffer from various neurotic disorders like anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and other kinds of cerebral diseases which traumatize a person psychologically. Anxiety disorder in particular is marked by unrealistic worry or excessive fears and concerns. Anxiety associated with depression is also responsive to Xanax.

There are quite a number of other drugs which are a strict ‘NO’ if you are taking Xanax. For e.g. the anti-fungal drugs like Sporanol and Nizoral cause a build up of Xanax in the body. There are certain other items too which react with Xanax and either increase or decrease its effect. One such item is grape fruit juice. A person taking grape fruit juice should inform his physician before hand while taking Xanax.

Grape fruit juice blocks the cytochrome enzymes P-450 3A4 1A2 in our intestinal wall. The bodies of all living organisms have evolved the cytochrome P-450 enzyme system, which is the superfamily of enzymes responsible for the removal of drugs and toxins from the body. The cytochrome P-450 3A4 subfamily located primarily in the liver and the intestinal tract is basically helpful in the metabolization of the drugs. Most drugs are ‘lipid soluble’, and hence get absorbed in the blood stream quickly. Cytochrome P-450 enzymes act by breaking the drugs in the gut itself or changes them into a more water soluble version in the liver. The kidney then eliminates it in the form of urine. Thus, the liver, gut and kidney work together to prevent excessive amounts of drug and/or toxins from getting into your bloodstream. Thus it can well be understood that how important is the presence of the enzymes like P-450 3A4 1A2 in our body for preventing the unnecessary over absorption of the harmful chemicals of the drugs.The kidney can then eliminate them in the urine. Grape juice blocks the enzyme P-450 3A4 in the gut itself. By inhibiting this defense mechanism, grapefruit juice may increase the blood levels of some drugs.  Therefore, you may experience adverse effects from the drugs you are taking when taken with grapefruit juice.

The precise chemical nature of the substance in the grapefruit juice that inhibits gut wall CTP 3A4 enzymes is unknown.  It has been suggested that flavanoids, coumarin, or psoralen derivatives in the grapefruit juice could be the inhibitors.  The amount of inhibiting substance in grapefruit juice may vary by brand, concentrations and storage conditions. If benzodiazepine drugs like Xanax are taken with grapefruit juice, it increases the drug levels in the bloodstream increasing the sedative effect.

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