The most common and effective tool for treatment of OxyContin addiction is detoxification. The method is designed to treat the drug dependency in the patient and bring him to an opiate-free state. The best among all the detox procedure is ‘anesthetic –assisted rapid opiate detoxification’ (AAROD). The procedure aims to work at the addict’s brain receptors and is also called accelerated detoxification; it is a less painful and a rapid process. Effort is made to significantly reduce the withdrawal time causing less discomfort to the addict. It usually takes four to six hours. The facility is provided at various rehab centers.
AAROD is the most preferred detox procedure for almost 10 years and is highly recommended for an addict world over. The success rate under this method is much higher than the traditional methods of detoxification. The length and severity of the withdrawal symptoms is greatly reduced under this method. The patient undergoes major effects of the withdrawal symptoms in his sleep and is monitored under controlled dosage of anesthesia. The treatment facility greatly helps the patient and it is imperative that it is conducted under an expert medical guidance equipped with safeguards at various rehabilitation houses with the assistance of an anesthesiologist and medical experts.
Midwest raid opiate detoxification specialists (MRODS) is yet another detox procedure for treating the drug dependency and addiction. The program helps the patient by way of a continuing care after the detox procedure is done. The patients are put under deep sedation under general anesthesia for 4 to 6 hours and experience no physiological discomfort or any kind of withdrawal symptoms. And he emerges from this sedation only after complete detoxification is attained. A continuing care program is then arranged for the patient at rehabs with detoxification programs to ensure a continuing recovery.
Strict Laws Needed for Over-The-Counter Pills
The pills have become popular in our lives and we think that taking pills would make us feel much better straight away. But there are its own complications, the drugs always have side effects and will have because they are the unnatural way of treating human body. Some bodies respond well and some do not.
The worst part is that these pills can be availed easily, everyone can get these pills and some of them go for drug abuse. Addiction is very bad and it is bad in all means. The addiction will spoil our health and also your financial status. You would not be able to go for anything else unless you get what you need. The internet has become the best place to buy drugs and pills anonymously and no one would know your name also.
There are many websites that provide pills and drugs without prescription also. This is not right, how would you know that the person buying is really in need of it. The internet has opened a whole new window for the drug abusers. The ones who take these kinds of sources and buy pills should also be aware that they might be in danger.
The danger is that there are many illegal sellers online and offline and in order to get cheaper pills one would go for such resources. But the problem with that is that you might not know what is in there in those pills and whether they are expired or not. If these doubts are true then you would be more danger than ever.
Many good people are also getting spoiled by this and so there should be strict rules on selling of pills. It can be like no pills without prescription, person can be anonymous but should show need to have the pills. All the websites should have certification and limitation to provide pills and if any one goes for high doses then verification should be made. Proper awareness should be spread among people and mass media is the best source.
Oxycontin Addiction and Detoxification
If you or any of you loved ones has met with a serious accident or are facing a serious ailment, then it is more than a probability that your physician has prescribed Oxycontin to help you cope up with the unbearable pain. There is no two ways about the fact that Oxycontin is one of the most effective narcotic pain reliever, however the real problem arises only when one continues to take the drug even after the pain has subsided. Oxycontin addiction progresses to the next stage when the victim starts to take alarmingly higher doses of Oxycontin than what was actually prescribed by the doctor.
Oxycontin Addiction – Who is responsible?
Statistics reveal that almost 75% of the individuals who are prescribed with Oxycontin fall into the trap of Oxycontin addiction. Oxycontin as a drug is not a problem; in fact the larger problem is its indiscriminate recommendation by some irresponsible pain management specialists who are inconsiderate about the long-term impact of the drug. This implies that all these individuals suffer with Oxycontin addiction without any fault of their own. No wonder that more and more individuals are falling victim to Oxycontin addiction and are paying with their lives and happiness.
Oxycontin addiction is caused due to a chemical imbalance, and it requires expert medical intervention and a safe, conductive and humane environment to get rid of this menace. Treatment is available; you just need to act quickly…before you lose control over your own life.
Oxycontin Addiction Treatment
More often than not, good Oxycontin treatment starts with an effective inpatient therapy in which the victim is helped to get rid of the physical traces of the drug from the body, which in medical terms is known as Oxycontin detoxification. An effective and natural detoxification procedure can ensure that your recovery is faster and safer. Since Oxycontin withdrawal symptoms are extremely severs, it is highly recommended that one opts for a detoxification process only under a de-addiction expert.
Different Oxycontin Detoxification Methods
Increased instances of Oxycontin abuse and addiction cases, have also led to a huge surge in the number of addiction treatment and detoxification centers, especially in the United States. Majority of these addiction treatment and detoxification centers rely on the administration on similar drugs to get rid of Oxycontin. However, that is like trading one addiction for another. If you are after a long-lasting or permanent solution, then it is in your best interest to determine on a detoxification center which offers Oxycontin detox through natural methods.
There are a number of natural detoxification and treatment centers and one just needs to find them. It is not as difficult as one anticipates; you can find the details of a number of reputed detoxification centers on the internet. Do not delay any further, take the first step towards a happier and healthier life now!
Success rate of rehab treatment
Long before, people never dreamt of getting back to their normal life after the use of a drug, even the rehabs where a sort of nightmare. Things have changed as the success rate is pretty elevating in many of the rehabs in US.
Rehab treatment involves many steps. There are numerous experts who are assigned different duties to help each patient. Not even a single person is left out or denied attention. A minute change in their habit and mindset is a reward to the healing hands.
Detox is made painless. Patients do not suffer anymore. They are not kept in cells, no screaming and yelling. Spiritual healing through yoga and attunement is also a part of the therapy in some first-rate rehabs. Life is as happy as the bright sun. Half a year is just required for most of them to recover. Only in special chronic patients, specialists give awareness.
Health insurance on average takes up all the expenditures of a patient who was given the drug by a medical practitioner. A patient from a township can get into management with the help of their nearest physician.
Get detoxified from Oxycontin soon. Though getting restrained is absolutely hard crossing, save for, you can do it! It is an intoxicative and fatal therapy, on the other hand there is healing with a high success rate. All you have to do is to contact the nearby health-consulting centre.
Most of the rehab centers should prove that the patient has healed completely. The person who accompanies the patient can ask any question to feel confident about the patient’s recovery. Now, in US, Oxy rehabs are like a competitive trade and this itself can assure complete recovery. All over again, the expenses are not too much as there are special reductions.