CategoriesHealth Tips,  Medicines,  Rx Meds Advice

Painkillers and Pharmacy Saga a Drug Store in USA

Have you ever had a prescription for painkillers?  Well prescription painkillers are powerful drugs that interfere with the nervous system.  The transmission of the nerve signals we perceive as pain, which is changed for you.  Some Painkillers also stimulate portions of the brain that give you pleasure.  So they also stop pain and give you a “high”.

The most powerful prescription painkillers are called opioids.  Which have opium like compounds.  They are made to react on the nervous system in the same way as drugs gotten from the opium poppy, like heroin.  Oxycodone is one of the most abused painkillers.  Some of them are called hydrocodone, meperidine, hydromorphone and propoxyphene.

Oxycodone has the greatest potential for abuse and the greatest dangers.  This drug is prescribed by your doctor and almost all of us feel like it is ok to take this drug because the doctor gave it to us.  This drug is as powerful as heroin and affects the nervous system the same way.  Oxycodone is sold under many trade names, such as percodan, Endodan, Roxiprin, Percocet, Endocet, Roxicet and Oxycontin.  It comes in tablet form.

Ok so you have had a surgery and your doctor gave you Oxycontin to go home with.  This keeps you from feeling any pain.  So do the healthy thing.  Eat right take your antibiotics if necessary and cut back immediately from these pain killers then get off as soon as you can.

OxyContin Overview

OxyContin contains oxycodone hydrochloride in doses varying from 10 mg to 160 mg. Oxycodone hydrocholoride is an opioid that blocks pain receptors in the brain, which can provide the user with pain relief for up to 12 hours. OxyContin was actually a prescription medication, but due to the rise in addicts and break-ins at pharmacies, most drugstores refuse to carry OxyContin.

In 1998 it was estimated that 1.6 million Americans used prescription medication for non-medical reasons. The number of OxyContin emergency cases increased by 37% from 1998 to 1999 and again from 1999 to 2000.

OxyContin continues to hold the spot of most effective pain killers today, because it does not have a threshold of effectiveness like other pain relieving medications. In other words, the more OxyContin one takes, the more pain relief he/she feels. While Aspirin will be ineffective with four times the recommended dosage, OxyContin will provide four times the relief. Knowing this, it is not surprising this medication is being abused.

However, just as with anything that people abuse, there are consequences to pay for abusing OxyContin. OxyContin is an addictive drug, and just like all other addictive drugs, over prolonged use the person abusing it begins to build tolerance. Due to this tolerance, they will ingest more and more of the drug in order to achieve the same feeling. Thus, an overdose becomes more likely.

In fact, just one large dosage of OxyContin is enough to cause severe respiratory depression and death. OxyContin may still be a prescription drug, but should never be taken by those who do not need it or in the wrong dose.


CategoriesHealth Tips,  Medicines,  Rx Meds Advice

Nurses and Drugs

An addict in Nurse’s Scrubs is what this story should be called. reported this story from a former nurses aid and one time cop.  He had an addiction to painkillers and he did whatever he needed to get his fix.  He was fired from his job as a nurse but he walked into the hospital one day with his scrubs on and went straight to the storage room to look for and find narcotics.  No one noticed him, because he was in scrubs, he knew what to do to look inconspicuous.  He got into restricted areas of the hospital and found synthetic Opioid and slipped them into his pocket and went home to feed his addiction to painkillers.  He notes in his story that he is not surprised at the recent rise of painkillers thefts by employees in hospitals.  He is familiar with the desperation and ingenuity of a prescription drug junkie inside a medical facility.  There are many thefts going on behind closed doors at hospitals.  Some of it is by the doctors and some of it is by the nurses.  These thefts by nurses mirrors increases nationally in the abuse of painkillers. reports that nurse participants of a drug program who practiced while intoxicated, stole drugs from the bedridden and falsified records to cover their tracks.  Nurses do face disciplinary actions and have to get on a program but most of them do not finish this program.

A nurse who is using drugs while they are at work can be guilty of patient harm as a direct result of this abuse.  They can mistreat their patient with medication errors.  They can cost the hospital in the way of stolen drugs, lost wages, training and re-hiring.  If they mistreat their patient and the patient makes a claim against the hospital that can cost them thousands.  This nurse is also hurting her family because she may lose her job and even the entire career.  There are nurses that notice that their fellow nurses are using but they will not report them because they don’t want their friend to lose their job.  It is suspected that 10% of the nursing population has an alcohol/drug problem and some of the abuse problems are serious enough to interfere with their practice.  This is reported by the American Nurses Association.  Nurses have a lot of stress on their positions.  They are expected to work long shifts, overtime, rotating shifts and floating to unfamiliar units.  All this can make them feel tired and much stressed.  Drug abuse may be a way of coping with this stress.  Some of these nurses live, breath and sleep work.  Whatever the reason nurses do abuse drugs and they are in the front lines of our medical professions.  They have the wherewithal to be around drugs and it is easy for them to manipulate getting what they need.  I don’t even know if more education will work in this case because these nurses have an education of what drugs can do to you.  I believe this profession should be repositioned so that shifts are not as long and stress is not so high for these nurses.

OxyContin: The “Hillbilly Heroin”

Why do you suppose they call it the “Hillbilly Heroin”?

Because it reacts on the nervous system like heroin or opium.  There are some people who can’t get their heroin so they go to the doctor and get some pain killers like Oxycontin.  The doctors are sometimes very willing to give this drug to their patients.

Armed robberies of pharmacies have occurred where the robber didn’t say “give me your money,” he said “give me your Oxycontin”  In some areas of the Eastern United States Oxycontin is the drug of greatest concern to the law enforcement authorities.

Oxycontin is abused in Appalachian communities so it known as the “hillbilly heroin”.  It has actually emerged as a major crime problem in the US.  They looked at the crime rate in many areas in the US and found that Oxycontin is behind 80% of the crime.

This drug is less expensive than real heroin and sometimes even easier to get from our doctor.  So that is why it is called the “Hillbilly Heroin”.  It can cause you to have constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, addiction, increased risk of heart attack, just to name a few.

So if you know anyone of your friends or if you made it to your doctor and got some Oxycontin and now you want to get off well there is a place to help you.

Understand Why Painkillers Become So ADDICTIVE

Would you like to really understand why painkillers are so addictive?  Well here goes this reporter’s collected information.  Opioid painkillers produce a short-lived euphoria, but they are also addictive.

If you use these painkillers on a long term basis it can lead to physical dependence.  The body adapts to the presence of the substance and then you stop taking it and you get withdrawal symptoms.  The body can also build up a tolerance to the drug.  Now you have to take a higher dose to get the same effects.

Painkillers are like all other drugs.  They simply mask the pain for which they are taken.  They don’t “cure” anything.  So if you are trying to dull the pain you will also find yourself taking more and more of the drug.  Then you will discover that you cannot make it through the day without the drug.

Withdrawal will cause you to be restless, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps and involuntary leg movements.  You make one of the most serious risks of respiratory depression.  If you take high doses it can cause breathing to slow down to the point it can stop and the user dikes.

So you just had surgery, the doctor gave you some OxyContin.  Do the healthy thing.  Eat right, take your antibiotics if he gave you some and cut back on the painkillers as soon as you can so you can get off as soon as possible.

CategoriesHealth Tips,  Medicines,  Rx Meds Advice

Good Medicine Bad Behavior Exhibit

Did you know that if you go to you will find an online exhibit?  It is brought to you by the Drug Enforcement Administration museum.  It is an interactive exhibit and it goes into prescription drug abuse which is an ongoing problem in the Unites States today.  You can find the history of drug abuse and diversion in the United States.  There is a list of the efforts to combat the problem though time.  The exhibit has recreations of period pharmacies.  It displays illustrations of the impact of substances on the human body.  One of the things that is noted is the rise of rogue internet pharmacies in the past ten years.  If you want to know the science of how these medicines can have therapeutic effects on the body but harmful affects when misused go to this online exhibit.

Online when you go to this website you will find and Introduction, History of Prescription Drugs, The Science of Drugs, The Controlled Distribution System, Diversion of Chemicals, pain management, Lost Talent and Discovery Center.  These are the titles of what you can go to and get information about drugs and their abuse in this country.  Some of us need all this information because we just need to get educated; we have children and we need to know what is going on with drugs.  There may be some of us who need to know because we have a loved one who is abusing drugs and we cannot understand why something is not being done.  Well on this website from the DEA you can get the idea that something is being done to educate the public we just need to now to go to their web site and get this needed information


Do you have the basic idea that if they are a drug addict then they must be poor also?  That is not true.  It has been reported that nine out of ten guys who party come from millionaire families.  This comes from a regular user and he observed this first hand.  This gentleman was from Lexington, Kentucky and he has seen every side of Kentucky’s battle with pain pill addiction.  He started when he was 17 with his school buddies and when he was 21 he came fully addicted.  When he was 25 he got arrested at a Lexington gas station for selling $15,000 worth of pills.  Even though he was arrested he still used.  One day he was sent to the Wet Care rehab center in eastern Kentucky.  He did well there and now he is a counselor there.

Oxycontin is a powerful prescription painkiller and about 10 years ago it was noticed that was being abused at an alarming rate in the Appalachian areas of eastern and southern Kentucky.  Now it is a decade later and the level of pain pill abuse throughout the state and across the country is at epic levels.

There have been several high profile drug arrests across the US and treatment programs for Oxycontin has increased there has also been the adoption of prescription drug monitoring program in 43 states.  Officials now feel that this problem is anchored and they know we have drug traffickers from Florida to Kentucky and they are named “Oxycontin Express”.

There are reports from a study done by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration there was a fourfold increase nationally I treatment admissions for prescription pill abuse during the past decade.  This increase covers every age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, employment and region.  This study also shows a tripling of pain pill abuse among patients who needed treatment for dependence on opiods, prescription narcotics.  The state Cabinet for Health and Family Services reported that the rate of overdose deaths more than doubled among men and tripled among women in Kentucky from 2000 to 2009.

Police and officials charges that Purdue Pharma the maker of Oxycontin marketed the drug too aggressively and that fed an oversupply and diverted the drug onto the illicit market.  Purdue Pharma denied that.  The company and three top officials pleaded guilty in 2007 to misleading the public about the drug’s risk of addiction and paid $634.5 million in fines.

More and more has to be done to get the public educated that this is absolutely a marketing scan and that this prescription drug is very harmful to you and your family.  If your doctor tries to give you this pain killer be aware that you must get off of it as soon as your serious condition goes away.  If you or someone you love needs help from a drug treatment facility, we can help.

CategoriesRx Meds Advice

The Proper Way to Purchase Prescription Medicine From Canada

Pharmacies have grown to be an alternate for buying medicine of prescribed drugs due to the cost. To show this there’s proof. According to the statement prepared for Representative Henry Waxman of Florida suggests that actually the medication costs provided by Medicare is more which is 60 percent greater than the cost provided at pharmacies. Although purchasing medicines from Europe is legitimately unacceptable, the Food Administration doesn’t prosecute anybody for doing this. Additionally, it provides a to choose for three-month offer of medicines at Canadian line without concern with justice to everybody. You will find couple of people they prevent purchasing medication aside from the fact at pharmacies that they are able to have considerable savings. Sen. Byron Dorgan -N.D, in September 2009 he suggested an amendment which legalize prescription medicine to be purchased by Americans from Canada. Nevertheless the statement has to become established.

Stage 1

Obtain a prescription. For this there is for the documents a photocopy crucial.

Step two

Pharmacies associated info can be acquired at with the International Pharmacy Association site. Additionally, it provides a concept if the drugstore is just a person in Worldwide Pharmacy Organization after which it it’s possible to Pick A drugstore that’s possibly handy to he lives or is found in a location he’s prepared to go to wherever.

Stage 3

Permit number, telephone number, the handle, and land of the chosen drugstore should be established. In the same period we ought to prevent any drugstore that doesn’t obviously reveal the info mentioned previously in specifics.

Stage 4

Noise is definitely an eight-digit number designated by Health Canada, by which data is supplied towards the individual concerning buying of medicine at Canada pharmacy’s security. The medication without noise mustn’t be bought at any price.

Step 5

The drugstore must be contacted by one and obtain various other info viz. Contact details etc. to go to with the internet drugstore it’s possible to make a correct routine. One should choose transporting the photocopy of the prescription and also both unique with to Canada.

Step 6

It’s possible to go to with the site of Europe drugstore and be a part of survey. Dose for that medicine and the specified amount should be examined correctly.

Action 7

A duplicate of bill mustn’t be quickly obtained it ought to be organized precisely in the same period.

Top features of Health Checking Account

CategoriesRx Meds Advice

Some Traditional Disinformation Related To Erection Dysfunction

Some Interesting Details About Erection Dysfunction

A guy may usually take into account the issues that lie if he’s currently experiencing impotence problems. Generally, males are uncomfortable with discussing erectile dysfunction. Just before nearing a health care provider for that correct solution most of them attempt to determine the issue all on their own.
There are numerous values about impotence problems. They don’t subscribe to therapy of the problem some of these stay safe. Here are a few strong factual statements about erection dysfunction:

Erection Brought On By Psychological Elements

The shortcoming to attain an erection might be of lacking sexual interest consequently. Alternatively, the issue might mental. Sexual excitement causes any erection. This is exactly what causes an erection to occur. Nevertheless, various facets in various people trigger the excitement. Although never as commonly-occurring as additional erection dysfunction causes in the same period erection difficulties could be associated with reduced testosterone levels. Quite simply, not being triggered by your companion doesn’t imply that your condition is not strictly mental. Therefore, regardless of the low and convenience cost of Cialis, a guy must determine the reason for the erection dysfunction he encounters by asking with the physician.
Inner Wear DoesN’t Affect Erection
It’s typical understanding since it can impact fertility on males that physicians may guidance from the utilization of restricted underwear



Getting Natural Treatments And Levitra for Erection Dysfunction

Many people that suffer with erection dysfunction are uncomfortable discussing it even though that it may be handled having a quantity of medicines. Males are ashamed from the proven fact that they CAn’t maintain a erection. Furthermore, most of the males with this specific situation are ignorant that ED or erection dysfunction is just a typical situation that influences as much as 30 thousand males within the Usa. Nevertheless, ED’S degree does change to a different from one-man.
Levitra is just a popular prescription medication within ED’S treatment. But, certainly a number are of medicines that may be used-to treat ED.


It’s utilized like a normal therapy for numerous conditions but has acquired like a therapy for ED in recognition. Based on specialists, Gingko works well in males which have endured ED of using antidepressants consequently. It’s been proven this 1 from every two males suffering shaped get handled of applying Gingko consequently.

Propionyl L Carnitine

This normally occurring chemical functions being an efficient therapy for ED. Combined with sildenafil; Propionyl L Carnitine works and improves the result of the medication like a helpful complement for males which have the diabetes situation. Furthermore, it’s your body an acid that’s made by your body. While males suffer consequently of below level flow of the body from intermittent claudication, it works being an exemplary substitute medicine for that improvement of blood circulation countering ED

CategoriesHealth Tips,  Medicines,  Rx Meds Advice

Possible Options Employed For Klonopin

Options for Muscle Spasms Benzodiazepines is just a course of medicines for, Klonopin called Clonazepam. Panic, the muscle spasms and seizures could be handled for temporary by benzodiazepines. To repair the problems like muscle panic spasms and seizures benzodiazepines aren’t great options for long term administration simply because they trigger bring substantial dangers of overdose, and produce a large level of threshold and reliance. Nevertheless you will find alternatives that are not similarly ineffective as Klonopin for long-term secure in the same time and treatment too. Occasionally this medicine needs a healing impact to be produced by a bit more time and it demonstrates to become better than Klonopin once the result is accomplished.

Cyclobenzaprine is just a medication popular to deal with muscle spasms.Its trade-name is Flexeril. It’s a-class of medicine also called tricyclic antidepressants along with its utilization and efficient against discomfort in the same period. Flexeril has never shown substantial antidepressant results. Which are generally unpleasant even though it might be of some advantage for discomfort making Flexeril a stylish choice for managing muscle spasms which is less dangerous than Klonopin’s usage.

Options for Panic

For anxiety’s long term therapy Klonopin’s use is just an option that is specially bad since it gets the potential to control sleep’s REM stage, and sleep deprivation is famous to improve anxiety symptoms. Some medicines like as Paxil Lexapro are impressive against both despair and panic. Though remedy period’s period is u tot that is greater is definitely more harmless than Klonopin and its own long term use’s usage. Buspar, is just a medicine that’s significantly much like an SSRI understand as Buspirone, can be used simply to handle not and panic despair. Buspar may be used by having an SSRI to assist handle panic that was worse.

Options for Seizures

Phenobarbital are medicines which have been employed for long term control of seizures. It’s again better than Kolonopin’s utilization nevertheless you will find drawbacks, for example a sedative effect, threat of overdose along with multiple-drug connections. Anti -seizure medicines which includes industry name, as levetiracetam, Keppra; Neurontin, industry name, gabapentin; and carbamazepine Tegretol are extremely efficient only when the correct measure can be used. Finding the measure that is right demands small occasions might be some couple weeks.

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