CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin,  Uncategorized

Mental healing for oxy addicts

There are times when the person after the surgery is ought to feel excessive pain and agony. The only way to overcome this problem is to give you a drug that would suppress the feeling of pain and anger. The most of the doctors in America would prescribe you OxyContin or commonly known as Oxy. The drug is very addictive and one has a tendency of developing addiction towards it.

The patients find it even more addictive because it has similarities to heroine drug. The people who are addicted to this drug are treated with buprenorphine drug. The most of the people do not even realize that they are addicted to this drug by the time they are totally into the drug.

The physical symptoms of the drug are anxiety, nausea, restlessness, cramping, etc. One of the worse symptoms is loss of appetite; the person taking the drug would feel that there has been some kind of reduction in need of food. The hunger would decrease and person would have addition to his or her problems. When you have so many symptoms hovering around you should know that it is not fine and you need help.

When it comes to overcoming this problem of addiction one should also opt for a very strong method known as hypnosis. This is one of the most effective methods to overcome problems of addiction to alcohol, cigarettes, food, etc. The best of the doctors also recommend this process as there are very little chances of getting wrong or may be negligible.

There can be self hypnosis also practiced over the period of time. But first you would have to take a course of hypnosis from the professional hypnotherapist. They would solve your problem and put an end to your addiction. So, take a step towards good life.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin,  Uncategorized

Oxy and your children

The OxyContin or oxy is a drug that is used to help the patients forget the pain. This is a very effective drug and that is why most of the doctors prescribe it. But the drug has its own side effects and one should know that the drug is addictive. This addictiveness is not only for the young people but is irrespective of age. The major addiction comes from the teenagers and their parents should take the responsibilities.

The teenagers would not tell their parents that they are addicted to the drug or they have developed an affinity towards it. The drug is addictive because the taste of it resembles to the taste of heroine which is usually taken as drug abuse. The teenagers would not let their doctors also know about their addiction and would go for illegal drugs.

Buying the drugs online is not safe, not all the stores are authorized to provide you the drug and especially without a prescription. This is not the right way and there are many consequences of such drugs. The illegal drugs would be given to you at a cheaper rate than the other drugs and this may be because its expiry date has crossed.

The funds for these drugs would come from their pocket money or stealing from their parents. The parents need to know whether their child has got addicted to the drug or not. There are some symptoms or signs that their child is addicted to drugs and they are nausea, frequent headache, loss of appetite, anxiety, lightness, depression, constipation, restlessness, etc. These are the most common signs that you need to look out for.

So, if you find that your child is addicted to drugs then do not scold or beat him or her, otherwise you will lose them. Instead help them to come out of it and stay as close to them as possible.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin,  Uncategorized

Global Dependency on Oxycontin

When it comes to healing pain we would seek any way possible to get rid of the pain. The most of the patients around the world go for drug solutions. There is a huge amount of global dependency on the drugs like OxyContin. This is a drug provided to the patient, if he or she is in terrible pain. The purpose of the drug is to release HCL acid slowly into the body so that the feeling of pain would disappear.

Oxycodone hydrochloride is the original name of the drug and is manufactured by organization of Purdue Pharma. OxyContin is commonly known as Oxy and it is an opioid analgesic. There are many side effects of this drug and it has the worst one of addiction like in the case of morphine. The OxyContin is an oral drug which is provided to the patients and the dosage strength ranges from 10mg to 80mg.

The most of the doctors would recommend the usage of this drug and since the drug works really well it has been taken by most of the hospitals around the globe. You need to understand that any drug would have its side effects and coming out of the addiction to a drug is really difficult. The patients around the world after taking the Oxy drug for more than several weeks face the withdrawal side effects.

The most of the parts of the body would not function properly and due to which there would be terrible physical and mental trauma. So, the patients would have no other choice but to go back to the drug. But if you let your doctor know on this case then you can come out of the drug abuse with some proper treatment and medication. The slow process of removing the usage of the drug from daily basis is the only way to be drug free.

CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin,  Uncategorized

Oxy withdrawal, what are the symptoms and how to get rid off them?

If you are a regular user of Oxycontin or any other kind of Oxy formulated medicated substances wishing to discontinue, then you must know that you have to face certain withdrawal symptoms, some of which could be painful.  This article helps you get the right knowledge of Oxy withdrawal symptoms and how to make them bearable.

If you have used it exactly as per the instructions of your Physician and followed the guidelines behind the label of the medicine, then you don’t need to worry much about the symptoms and side effects. However, people often get addicted to these substances for many reasons such as, they get relieved from their sufferings very easily, they are inexpensive, very easy to obtain and many more.  Some people try dangerous methods of taking the medicine like crushing the tablet and injecting it through IV. If you are an addict, then you should know that Oxy withdrawal symptoms are as serious as other illegal drugs such as heroin. In addition, the symptoms also depend on the extent to which you are addicted to the substance.

The general withdrawal symptoms include severe body pain including the muscles and bones, tiredness, insomnia, diarrhea, cold and vomiting, lack of control over certain body movements like leg movements etc. These symptoms can be experienced when you are out of the medicine and take some time in purchasing them or during the early days of you trying to stop using it. The Oxy withdrawal symptoms are felt through out the body and unless you have proper support, supervision and guidance, you can’t be successful in discontinuing Oxycontin.

There are some medical treatments called detoxification, which help you in minimizing the Oxy withdrawal symptoms. There are also some organic substances and treatments using the natural resources that help the addicts get some relief from the painful withdrawal sufferings.  There are also some recovery centers that are specifically meant for treating such people. They have specialized medical facilities, professional Physicians and experienced counselors who can assess an addict’s condition based on which suitable treatment is decided.

There is no need to worry about the Oxy withdrawal symptoms because they can be surmounting with the help of proper medical support.

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