Oxy withdrawal, what are the symptoms and how to get rid off them?

If you are a regular user of Oxycontin or any other kind of Oxy formulated medicated substances wishing to discontinue, then you must know that you have to face certain withdrawal symptoms, some of which could be painful.  This article helps you get the right knowledge of Oxy withdrawal symptoms and how to make them bearable.

If you have used it exactly as per the instructions of your Physician and followed the guidelines behind the label of the medicine, then you don’t need to worry much about the symptoms and side effects. However, people often get addicted to these substances for many reasons such as, they get relieved from their sufferings very easily, they are inexpensive, very easy to obtain and many more.  Some people try dangerous methods of taking the medicine like crushing the tablet and injecting it through IV. If you are an addict, then you should know that Oxy withdrawal symptoms are as serious as other illegal drugs such as heroin. In addition, the symptoms also depend on the extent to which you are addicted to the substance.

The general withdrawal symptoms include severe body pain including the muscles and bones, tiredness, insomnia, diarrhea, cold and vomiting, lack of control over certain body movements like leg movements etc. These symptoms can be experienced when you are out of the medicine and take some time in purchasing them or during the early days of you trying to stop using it. The Oxy withdrawal symptoms are felt through out the body and unless you have proper support, supervision and guidance, you can’t be successful in discontinuing Oxycontin.

There are some medical treatments called detoxification, which help you in minimizing the Oxy withdrawal symptoms. There are also some organic substances and treatments using the natural resources that help the addicts get some relief from the painful withdrawal sufferings.  There are also some recovery centers that are specifically meant for treating such people. They have specialized medical facilities, professional Physicians and experienced counselors who can assess an addict’s condition based on which suitable treatment is decided.

There is no need to worry about the Oxy withdrawal symptoms because they can be surmounting with the help of proper medical support.

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