Xanax (alprazolam) is approved by the FDA as the most effective drug for the treatment of anxiety and other panic disorders. A large scale placebo controlled study of the action of Xanax on anxiety disorder patients support the efficacy of the drug. Alprazolam is highly recommended for the treatment of different types of anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder, chronic anxiety disorder etc. The drug can also provide relief in a short time.
But the use of Xanax is highly debated due to its potential side effects. Though Xanax is recognized as a benzodiazepine with very few side effects, it can still develop tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. It can cause dizziness, sedation, postural hypotension, confusion, headache, insomnia and other physiological and psychological problems. A methodical use of Xanax can help in minimizing all these side effects.
One should start with a small dose of the drug during the initial period of medication. 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg of Xanax twice or thrice a day would be an effective start as it will negate the sedative effects that usually set in during the first week of the treatment. And taking the drug after meals will help in overcoming drowsiness and help in the therapeutic effect of Xanax to act for a longer period in the system.
After the first week, the dosage can be gradually increased, say adding 0.5 mg to one of the three daily doses. The maximum dosage at a time should not go beyond 2 mg. One should also try to restrict the dosage between 1mg to 10mg per day. It is also advised to take a dose of Xanax after every four hours or so. This will keep the anxiety attacks that keep recurring after certain intervals under control. But it is always best to maintain the dose after consulting a physician.
The tapering process of the drug also plays a significant role in avoiding the harmful effects of Xanax. An efficient tapering of the drug should be done under the guidance of an experienced physician. Generally, it is recommended to reduce 0.25mg of Xanax after every three days. Withdrawal as well as rebound symptoms are likely to occur during tapering. Long time users of alprazolam may need around two to three months for successful withdrawal of the drug from their system.
Well, if the above schedule doesn’t help at all, alternative methods or other long acting benzodiazepines should be used. Longer acting benzodiazepine like clonazepam can be a suitable optional drug. The barbiturate called Phenobarbital may also be tried out. Adding another medication like carbamazepine, propranolol or clonidine to Xanax can also be effective in reducing the troublesome problems that occur during the withdrawal period.
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