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Good Medicine Bad Behavior Exhibit

Did you know that if you go to you will find an online exhibit?  It is brought to you by the Drug Enforcement Administration museum.  It is an interactive exhibit and it goes into prescription drug abuse which is an ongoing problem in the Unites States today.  You can find the history of drug abuse and diversion in the United States.  There is a list of the efforts to combat the problem though time.  The exhibit has recreations of period pharmacies.  It displays illustrations of the impact of substances on the human body.  One of the things that is noted is the rise of rogue internet pharmacies in the past ten years.  If you want to know the science of how these medicines can have therapeutic effects on the body but harmful affects when misused go to this online exhibit.

Online when you go to this website you will find and Introduction, History of Prescription Drugs, The Science of Drugs, The Controlled Distribution System, Diversion of Chemicals, pain management, Lost Talent and Discovery Center.  These are the titles of what you can go to and get information about drugs and their abuse in this country.  Some of us need all this information because we just need to get educated; we have children and we need to know what is going on with drugs.  There may be some of us who need to know because we have a loved one who is abusing drugs and we cannot understand why something is not being done.  Well on this website from the DEA you can get the idea that something is being done to educate the public we just need to now to go to their web site and get this needed information


Do you have the basic idea that if they are a drug addict then they must be poor also?  That is not true.  It has been reported that nine out of ten guys who party come from millionaire families.  This comes from a regular user and he observed this first hand.  This gentleman was from Lexington, Kentucky and he has seen every side of Kentucky’s battle with pain pill addiction.  He started when he was 17 with his school buddies and when he was 21 he came fully addicted.  When he was 25 he got arrested at a Lexington gas station for selling $15,000 worth of pills.  Even though he was arrested he still used.  One day he was sent to the Wet Care rehab center in eastern Kentucky.  He did well there and now he is a counselor there.

Oxycontin is a powerful prescription painkiller and about 10 years ago it was noticed that was being abused at an alarming rate in the Appalachian areas of eastern and southern Kentucky.  Now it is a decade later and the level of pain pill abuse throughout the state and across the country is at epic levels.

There have been several high profile drug arrests across the US and treatment programs for Oxycontin has increased there has also been the adoption of prescription drug monitoring program in 43 states.  Officials now feel that this problem is anchored and they know we have drug traffickers from Florida to Kentucky and they are named “Oxycontin Express”.

There are reports from a study done by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration there was a fourfold increase nationally I treatment admissions for prescription pill abuse during the past decade.  This increase covers every age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, employment and region.  This study also shows a tripling of pain pill abuse among patients who needed treatment for dependence on opiods, prescription narcotics.  The state Cabinet for Health and Family Services reported that the rate of overdose deaths more than doubled among men and tripled among women in Kentucky from 2000 to 2009.

Police and officials charges that Purdue Pharma the maker of Oxycontin marketed the drug too aggressively and that fed an oversupply and diverted the drug onto the illicit market.  Purdue Pharma denied that.  The company and three top officials pleaded guilty in 2007 to misleading the public about the drug’s risk of addiction and paid $634.5 million in fines.

More and more has to be done to get the public educated that this is absolutely a marketing scan and that this prescription drug is very harmful to you and your family.  If your doctor tries to give you this pain killer be aware that you must get off of it as soon as your serious condition goes away.  If you or someone you love needs help from a drug treatment facility, we can help.

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