CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

Top Most Common Anxiety Management Tips

Understanding the Odds to Get over Anxiety of Terrorist Attack
Getting Over Exam Stress
Affinity for Nature Helps to Relieve Stress and Anxiety
Relaxation Techniques at your Work Desk
Tackling Your Driving Anxiety
Holiday Blues: Learn to Fight Your Stress and Anxiety
Natural and Chemical Drugless Supplements for Anxiety Removal


Understanding the Odds to Get over Anxiety of Terrorist Attack

After the infamous 9/11 attack, the terrorist bug has bitten every single American. Every step and move of their life have been taken with measured caution, sometimes bordering on total insanity. Many Americans have stopped visiting malls, and boarding the occasional flight from the West Coast to the East Coast is accomplished with a great degree of reluctance. Parents don’t send their children out on Halloween night due to the fear of a terrorist attack, any time. Fear of a terrorist strike has become a matter of extreme worry and anxiety among the present day Americans. Well how do we screen out such unfounded fears from the minds of the layman? It better be done fast, as these fears are slowly gaining momentum to establish itself as an anxiety disorder. Terrorist phobia is here to stay.

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The media, to a great extent, is responsible for creating havoc in the mind of the average United States citizen. The government, as well as the media, has been keeping the people at tenterhooks, with their cock and bull stories all the way. They failed to bring out the stark truth and naked reality of the conflicts in the Muslim world. With the media pouring in stories of anthrax, the infamous Iraqi WMD (weapon of mass destruction) fiasco, the present nuclear crisis in Iran etc., the average American feels that he is constantly under threat of a future terrorist attack. This fear firmly grips their mind leading them to panic disorders, stressed out conditions and other symptoms of anxiety disorders.

Well, let’s first see the odds and evens of a terrorist attack happening on American soil, weighing all the risk-related factors. Say, there are 40,000 malls in the whole country, which open for 75 hours a week. You generally spend 2 hours in one of these malls for shopping purposes every week. If the terrorists have the capacity to hit one mall per week, the odds that you will be at the wrong place in the wrong time would roughly work out to 1.5 million to 1. And if you were not a victim in that one incident, the odds would gradually move in your favor. Even in the case of a tragic situation of a plane hijack, the odds are totally in your favor. Then, why do you fear to visit the malls or catch a flight, when you know that the chance of an attack is close to zero?

A closer look at the other factors that contribute to the death mortality rate in the United States would give you astonishingly surprising figures. The odds of dying due to cancer in a given year are 1 in 600, and that of heart attack, 1 in 400. But we still fail to take regular exercise or stop smoking. And one in every 7000 die of automobile accidents in the United States alone. But, nowhere have I heard of people giving up driving, just because the chances of an accident happening to them are very high. People still drive, smoke, drink and don’t work their body out in spite of the odds not standing in their favor. So, what is the logic or the thread of reasoning behind the perennial fears of a terrorist attack?

It is high time the people start fending out for themselves to overcome such groundless fears and panics that can lead them to anxiety disorders. We must differentiate the possibility of a terrorist attack happening to our country and the possibility that such an event would affect me individually. It all comes down to the individual. The simple statistics that I have given above clearly show that we have been overestimating events that have low probabilities of occurring, while we have been underestimating events that have high probabilities of happening anytime. We need to go all out and take each day as it comes. Though it would be tough for a victim or someone close to a victim to immediately get over such baseless fears, one should learn to see reality.

We should learn to take every piece of news, the media and the government feed us, with a pinch of salt. The media too can play a role in lightening the burden of excessive misinformation of the people. The stark facts and figures tell us that we are more at risk of death due our own daily habits, diets and other schedules, than the impending threat of a terrorist attack. So, let’s leave all the fear, panic and anxiety behind and carry on with our life. We can take care of ourselves, whatever may happen. Forget anxiety disorders due to terrorist phobia because there is no such serious intimidation as is played out in the media. Busy with our daily activities, we can leave terrorist fears to the government and the media.

Getting Over Exam Stress

Stress is as old as human being. It is the way our entire physical and mental being react and respond to the environment. Stress before the exam occurs to every Tom, Dick and Harry. It is nothing abnormal, as being stressed out before the exam shows that you do care about the result or the consequence of the particular exam you are appearing. Students can take stress in two ways: they either view it positively or see only the negatives in it. Taking stress positively would do a world of good to a student. He can take it as a constructive challenge to prove his mettle. But taking stress negatively has dire consequences. When worry hits him, he becomes panicky and pessimistic. Instead of longing for success, he worries about failure. It is just a prelude to endless anxiety problems that would gradually set into his life.

But how do you know that you have a negative exam stress? You will begin to see certain signs and experience customary symptoms of stress. There is a strong likelihood of getting cold and flu in such a condition. You are prone to suffer from stomach upsets, undergo pain all over your body and see itchy rashes sprouting up on your skin. They are the outward physical symptoms that show that you have exam stress. The psychological signs would include frequent panic attacks, waking up in the middle of a sleep, always feeling sad with a tendency to cry etc.

Here are some tips that would be effective in getting over your exam stress:

  • Sleep like a princess. Students start burning the midnight oil just before the exam. That is a big “NO”. Get plenty of sleep before your exam.
  • Indulge in your regular past-times. Don’t confine yourself to your books. Go out and meet you friends and take everything normal.
  • Don’t neglect you eating schedule. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. You require all the energy to digest everything that you have logged into your head.
  • Being optimistic can take you in the right direction. Forget all your negatives. Make a list of all your positives. It can boost up your spirit.
  • Over-feeding information at a stretch will result in the breakdown of your brain. Take small breaks in between your studies. It will calm your nerves.
  • Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. This maxim applies to your study too. It is a time for revision. New inputs will only confuse you.
  • Physical exercise can exercise your mind too. Running, jogging or even a walk would suffice in keeping you in a relaxed state of mind.
  • Have fun with yourself. If you feel the pressure brimming up in you, stand in front of the mirror and tell your reflected self that you are best.

Follow these tips before your exam to let stress and anxiety disorder out through the backdoor.


Affinity for Nature Helps to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

The closer a man is to Nature the better his chances are for the longevity of his life. Nature brings us closer to our own self and thus helps us to redefine our nature, behavior and our true self. The farther we are from Nature, the more we suffer in the form of stress, anxiety and the other forms of neurotic disorder. Nature and humans are complementary to each other and if we avoid the closeness to nature, it is we who would suffer in the long run. The more we are growing materialistic in our tastes and needs the worse our quality of life is.

Now the question that many of us may ask is, can our closeness to nature by spending our time in and with nature reduce stress and anxiety? The environmental psychologists are of the opinion that our surroundings do influence our mental health. Let us look at some of the ways by which we can bring nature close to ourselves so that we can lead a healthier life, both physically as well as mentally.

Regular Walks Amidst Nature: Try to develop fascination for whatever natural surroundings you have. If the road outside your house is lined up with trees on the either side then try to wake up in the morning when there is less of traffic and take a walk on the pavement inhaling the fresh morning air and relieving your stress.

Search For Natural Surroundings: If you live in an urban area where you have difficulty in finding nature, look for parks in your area with ample greenery where you can go and spend some of your time in the company of nature. You can even go for some aerobic exercises like brisk walking or jogging in the park. This would help you to inhale some fresh oxygen on one hand and on the other hand provide you with some mental peace.

Create Some Green Space Around You: If you have some empty land around your home or some vacant plot of land at the backyard of the house, utilize that land to grow some plants or seasonal flowers. This would help you to be in touch of nature right inside your house itself. You may even feel your self-confidence increasing by creating your own little space for nature.

Utilize Most of the Outdoor Natural Surroundings: Instead of sitting inside the four walls of your room, try to bring your chair out in the open sunlight and enjoy the sun sometimes. Hang plants on your porch. You will be amazed to see that what a soothing effect it would have on your brain, by keeping you busy in gardening and landscaping. This would probably give you less time to think about your anxiety disorder or suffer any kind of panic attacks.

Adopt a pet: Animals are also a form of nature worth appreciating. The best way is to have a pet, be it a bird or an animal. The emotional attachment that we develop for our pets acts as a healing touch to the depressed and anxious minds of the human beings. Keeping a pet would let you enjoy the company of an animal or a bird.

Appreciate Night Time Nature and Weather: Make it a habit of star-gazing the clear night sky. Appreciate the twinkling of the stars and the cool moonlight. You will see yourself that how happy and relaxed you feel doing these things.

Take a Nature Trip: Try going out for trips to such places which have proximity to nature. If you decide about your trips keeping nature in your mind, you will see that after returning from such trips you are more refreshed, relaxed and stress free.

To conclude, nature plays a very important part in our lives and if we realize the close connection between we the humans, and the nature itself, we will bring lesser and lesser miseries in our lives in the form of stress and anxiety. The oriental philosophy believes that the human body is made up of 5 natural elements: earth, sky, water, air and fire. We need to keep ourselves in close synchronization with nature. It is then only that we can lead a stress free, anxiety free and a trouble free life.

Relaxation Techniques at your Work Desk

A person spends on an average around 46-48 hours weekly at his workplace sitting on his seat doing work. These are the normal everyday working hours, not to forget the extension of the working hours when you have the deadlines to meet or you are overloaded with your work. That stretches your time spent at your office further from 48-54 hours weekly or even more. All this does add pressure on us and contribute to a stressful life. For life to be enjoyable we all need challenges that we feel we can cope with. Sadly we are all, at times, faced with challenges that we feel we cannot cope with and it is then that we may experience stress.

If you do not learn to manage your stress at your work place soon, the physical machinery of your body would surely crash down, no need of mentioning the host of mental problems like anxiety, that you would invite along with the stress. In order to manage your stress at your work place you need to follow some relaxation tips.

It is not always necessary to get up from your seat in order to relax and moreover it is not even practically feasible to get up and go for a walk or refresh yourself by listening to some soothing piece of music in the office while you are working. Therefore the best way to relax is to follow some good relaxation tips by remaining at your seat itself.

Here are a few tips to destress and relax at your seat:

  1. Raise your shoulders as high so as to touch your ears. Remain in that position for at least few seconds and then return to your normal position. Do this for at least 10 times and you will see yourself that how your shoulders feel tension free.
  2. Shake your wrist few times for at least 30 seconds.
  3. When you are constantly sitting for 8-9 hours at a stretch, destress yourself by taking a deep long breath and then exhaling slowly. This process should be repeated for at least 5 times.
  4. Tense up your whole body by gritting your teeth, clenching fists, hardening your face, and closing your eyes. Remain in this way for a few seconds and then relax yourself by coming to your normal position.
  5. Rub your palms long enough to generate heat and then place your hot palms on your eyes and compress your eyeballs. Use this heat to allow your eyeballs to relax.
  6. Office work has been restricted to the computers these days and a person needs to strain his eyes constantly for 8-9 hours. This not only puts pressure on the optic nerves and stresses your eyes but also weakens your concentration. The best tip to relax your eyes is to look away from your monitor for some time and position your eyes on the four corners of your room and the walls. Try this tip and you will feel your eyes getting relaxed after constantly looking at the monitor.
  7. Do not keep on building negative emotions in your heart. Try and speak; communicate with your colleagues and boss. This will make you stress free.

Tackling Your Driving Anxiety

We would find many people around us who undergo varied levels of stress under various circumstances. The chronic stress under a particular situation manifests itself into the long term neurotic disorder of anxiety. Anxiety, in any situation is bad because it makes a person hollow from within. Anxiety can pave way for many other diseases as well.

There are many people who undergo anxiety even while driving. Going behind the wheels itself, makes such people anxious. Anxiety while driving can be very hazardous. While driving a person should fully concentrate on his job only and his mind should have a single focus, only then he can drive safely. Thanks to the overcrowded roads and heavy traffic, not to mention the ignorant commuters who give a hoot to the safety norms while on the road, these days driving has indeed become a nightmare for most of us. And to top it, if it is combined with anxiety, can prove to be a deadly combination.

If you experience panic and anxiety while driving or even thinking about driving, you may be suffering from ‘Driving Anxiety’. You are not the only person who undergoes this traumatic experience every time you are on the road in a vehicle. Some people experience anxiety while driving in any situation while there are others who may face anxiety only in specific driving situations. Some experience anxiety while driving on highways, bridges or through the busy cities, while there are some who suffer from anxiety even if they are just a passenger sitting in a vehicle.

Here are some tips that would relieve you of tension and anxiety while you are on the road behind the wheel driving your vehicle. These tips are as follows:

  • Create an affirmation repeating yourself aloud that you know how to drive safely on the road. This would divert your mind away from your feelings and mood of stress and anxiety while driving. These things should sound truthful to you and should seem believable to the situation as well.
  • There are times when a person suffering from driving anxiety while approaching a busy road may start getting disruptive and troublesome thoughts in his mind that he is going to meet with an accident. These kinds of thoughts should be checked at the time of its origin itself. You should develop a more adaptive response to the situation.
  • Take some water and snacks with you. When anxious feelings start gripping you then munch some snacks and drink some water to ward off such feelings. Even if you are preoccupied with these anxious thoughts munching some of your favorite snack would surely release some of the tension of your head.
  • Another thing that helps is to focus on little things like turning on the radio of your car.
  • Take a bottle of chilled ice water in a bottle even if it is freezing outside. While driving if you start feeling low or the anxious feelings start disturbing you, wipe your face with this cold water and take a sip of it and you will instantly see that it works.
  • If none of the above tips help you, take some professional help of a psychologist who may try some cognitive behavior therapy on you. In some cases the patient can also be put on medicines like Xanax to relieve of extreme chronic anxiety.

Holiday Blues: Learn to Fight Your Stress and Anxiety

Christmas is a big occasion when most of us do not mind spending extravagantly beyond our means. In fact festive occasions like Christmas are an outlet to our expenditures after working hard to earn those dollars. Festivals are also a way to remember our loved ones by buying gifts for them. The average expenditure of an American household for the holiday season is approximately $1500 and once the New Year’s festive mood subsides by January end, people get some bad surprises due to their overspending and pending bills.

Holidays can bring a sense of overwhelming responsibility and even dread. And it’s no wonder: In the effort to pull off the perfect holiday, you might find yourself cast into a dizzying array of competing demands – work, visits with family and friends, gift buying, baking, shopping, cleaning, caring for kids on school break, and scores of other chores. Among a host of problems arising out of holidays one problem can also be the concern for the repayment of your heavy bills which you had forgotten about while indulging in compulsive shopping for your holidays, be it your Christmas and New Year or for some long vacation.

There are many reasons which can trigger a cycle of stress and anxiety prior, during or post holiday period. These problems can trigger either due to relationships, financial reasons or physical reasons. The feeling of missing your loved ones is perhaps at its highest peak during holidays and festive occasions. If your loved one is not near you during the merry making period, you may grow sad and seeing others enjoy with their family and friends, your sadness may automatically manifest itself in causing stress and anxiety to you at the time when you need it the least.

Financial stress can be a major stress in causing anxiety to you during this period. We all want to enjoy and have a gala time during occasions like Christmas or if we are going on a vacation; but occasions like these become a cause of worry for us when we go overspending beyond our means. Spending extra money during the holidays on gifts, food, travel and entertainment can really make your holidays horrible as instead of enjoying you may end up worrying yourself to death reeling under stress and anxiety of astronomically high bills. Moreover holidays also add to your physical exhaustion and hence add up to your stress and anxiety. The strain of shopping, attending social gatherings, doing that special cooking for your family and friends can really add to your holiday woes.

Here are a few tips that can help you release some stress and anxiety at the time when you can hardly afford to suffer from anxiety or stress:

  • Do not suppress your feelings. Try not to stay in solitude. Give a vent to your feelings and talk with a person whom you can trust and depend upon.
  • Be realistic in your expectations regarding your family and friends as to who can really come over with you to enjoy and who can not. Sometimes if you think over this issue logically and practically, you may understand that person’s genuine reason of not being with you. This way you can reduce your stress and anxiety by unnecessarily thinking about that person’s absence during the celebrations.
  • Set differences aside and be understanding in your relationships.
  • Stick to a budget according to your income. Do not try to measure the happiness with costly gifts. Try to give hand made gifts. It will not only make others feel loved but would also add a touch of personal warmth. Be wise to spend through your debit cards rather than overspending with credit cards. As long as there is money in your account you would know the limit of your expenditure and hence you will plan your expenditure accordingly.
  • Create a spending plan. Be wise to develop a calendar to alleviate your last minute moments of stress and anxiety.
  • Do not abandon your healthy habits. Learn to stick to healthy eating and physical activity. Decide before hand that how much you will eat and drink. Take out plenty of time to sleep and also do not forget to schedule some time for a little physical activity.

Natural and Chemical Drugless Supplements for Anxiety Removal

Destructive outbursts of people can be really destructive, enough to land the people in prisons. It is a real pity that these kinds of outbursts can well be brought under control but half of the time, either the cause is not known or even if the cause is known then we are unaware of the method to tackle it. Anxiety can be a real trouble for all those whose lives have become hellish because of anxiety. Most of us may be of the opinion that the only way to handle anxiety and related disorders is to rely on medicines. Benzodiazepine drugs like Xanax are often prescribed for the removal of anxiety. Another set of drugs that people go in for to relax themselves and calm down their minds are the SSRI drugs, that is, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drugs like Prozac.

No doubt medicines like Xanax give instant relief to the patients but there are also such supplements which if taken can provide a lot of help to get relief if you are suffering from anxiety. These supplements are quite distinct from the drugs that may be addictive in the long run. Some of the drugless remedies that can prove as an aid in your condition of anxiety are as follows:

Magnesium Citrate: Magnesium is called the anti stress mineral. Intake of magnesium calms nerves, improves digestion and sleep too. Restless sleep and insomnia are the common symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is required to relax your muscles and soothe your nervous system. It is also helpful in triggering the sleep inducing hormone-melatonin.

Fish Oil: Researchers say that a daily intake of fish oil supplement in your diet would help you a lot in relieving yourself of stress and anxiety. Fish oil if taken regularly can even replace your anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax. People who add a daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids to their regular antidepressant treatment have significant improvement in symptoms, including anxiety, sleeping problems, sadness, decreased sexual desire, and suicidal tendencies.

Stevia: Stevia is a natural herb that has its origin in the country of Paraguay . Stevia can be 30 times sweeter than sugar and is widely used as a no calorie sweetener throughout the world and a dietary supplement in the US . Stevia is extremely nutritious and contains minerals like magnesium, niacin and vitamins like vitamin. Stevia has no fat and no carbohydrate and thus is ideal even for the diabetics. More of sugar intake always triggers such chemicals in our brain that add to anxiety and depression. Herbs like Stevia fulfill our craving for sugar on one hand and on the other do not harm the body.

B-Complex Vitamins: B-Complex vitamins help to even out the bad effects of sugar intake. Taken together these vitamins provide a healthy balance to the body that helps in alleviating neurotic disorders like anxiety.

Exercise: Start exercising if you have not exercised so far. This is so because exercise produces such chemicals in our brain that provide a calming effect and help us to tackle the situation of anxiety in a better way. Apart from checking anxiety, exercise is beneficial for combating other diseases as well which are related to an unfit body.

CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

Most Common Causes of Depression in Teen

What are Most Common Causes of Depression in Teen?

With the fast pace of life picking up in the advanced nations of the world, every second person in the world is becoming prone to anxiety, depression, sleeplessness or insomnia. One of the important, but may be not the only reason for an increase in psychological and neurotic disorders is the excessive indulgence in the materialistic world, which of course, we can’t stop ourselves from.

This gives rise to certain disorders like anxiety, depression and other similar ailments. No doubt, medication should be the last resort. Other alternative healing methods like the oriental healing therapies of yoga, meditation, reiki e.t.c. can also be made as one of the options. But when you run short of patience, due to the above methods being time consuming , you can always switch over to such medicines which act as ‘calmer’ or ‘relaxant’ like XANAX which is an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety drug.

Anxiety is the result of our own faulty life style because of which we depend on medicines like xanax. So if we want to get rid of this nervous disorder then first of all we have to get rid of our sedentary life style and should not become over-indulgent in today’s materialistic life. Moreover, even if we are taking medicines like xanax we should see that we take these kind of anti-anxiety medicines only upto the point of treating ourselves and should not become overly dependent on these drugs.

Apart from our lifestyle and psychological reasons there are some medical or biochemical reasons as well for a person suffering from anxiety and depression. One ‘medical’ cause of depression often given is the overproduction of stress hormones.

The hormonal imbalances related to depression are to do with our natural reactions to stress, and stress and depression are certainly linked. But does this hormonal imbalance actually cause depression?

It is true that depressed people often have increased levels of stress hormones in their bloodstream, but again, this is a symptom, not a cause.

When you reflect upon some particular issue again and again, or introspect in a negative way, you create emotional arousal that causes the release of stress hormones. That night, in REM (dream sleep), you become emotionally aroused again as dreaming ‘flushes out’ the emotional arousal from your brain. That is why depressed people have higher levels of stress hormones, and also why you can wake up feeling exhausted.

People who are pessimistic, have low self-esteem, worry excessively, or feel they have little control over life events are more likely to develop clinical depression. Even events such as the death of a loved one, divorce, financial strains, history of trauma, moving to a new location or significant loss can contribute to the onset of clinical depression. Some medications also can actually cause clinical depression. Therefore, it is important that people inform their doctors of all medications they are taking and report any depressive symptoms. Often it has been seen that people who drink heavily on regular basis also get buried into clinical depression.


Thus, there is no single reason for the growth of depression and anxiety in the people. A whole lot of factors right from physiological, mental, our social lifestyle and even the bio-chemical factors together form a unique package for a depressed person.

CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder

Xanax Prescription Why your Doctor has prescribed Xanax?

Your doctor has prescribed XANAX® because he/she may have diagnosed you with either Generalized Anxiety Disorder or Panic Disorder with or without agoraphobia. XANAX has also been shown to be effective in the treatment of anxiety associated with depression.
In the treatment of anxiety disorders, XANAX offers some individuals prompt relief of symptoms. An early-morning dose (8 am) of XANAX takes effect within 1 to 2 hours1 in healthy adults.
Recently, a new, once daily formulation of XANAX® was approved by the FDA and is now available to patients. XANAX XR® (alprazolam extended-release tablets) is indicated for the treatment of Panic Disorder.

An oral solution of .25mg .05mg 1mg/5ml , and 0.25mg 2.5ml is available. Tablets of xanax are also available in the various quantities of 0.25 mg, 0.5mg, 1mg, and 2mg.Actual doses must be decided by the physician only.
For a normal dose you are advised not to take xanax beyond 8 months
Do not use xanax if you are less than 18 years old.
If you are between 18 to 60 years of age then take .25mg to 1.5mg of dose daily.
If you are above 60 years of age then increase your dosages carefully.
The amount of dosages also depends upon your type of disorder. For anxiety or nervous tension you can start with .25mg to 0.5mg of xanax thrice everyday. Your maximum intake can be 4mg in 24 hours .
For panic disorder start with 0.5mg of xanax thrice a day. You can gradually increase it to 1mg of xanax daily but only at an interval of every 3 to 4 days. The maximum that you can take for panic disorder is 10mg in 24 hours.
You can take xanax with or without food but every dose has to be taken with a glassful of water.
Swallow the whole medicine. Do not crush chew or break the extended release form-Xanax XR.
You will get the full benefits of xanax in the first day to a week.
If you miss any of your dosages of xanax never try to make it up by taking 2 dosages together because an overdose can be fatal. Overdose symptoms include sleepiness, dizziness, confusion, slow heart beat. an appearance of being drunk, unconsciousness etc.
If you experience any of the following rare symptoms of overdose of xanax like convulsions, hallucinations, memory loss, trouble in breathing or trembling then see your physician immediately.

Problems with:

Liver Function: If liver disease is present,start dosage at 0.25mg,increase as needed.
Kidney Function: N/A.


Before taking: None if for short term use.
While taking: None if for short term use.

Take With: With or without food. Take each dose with a full glass of water. Do not crush, chew, or break the extended-release form alprazolam (Xanax XR). Swallow them whole.

Full Benefits of Xanax In: First day to a week.

Missed Dose(s): If within one hour take, if over an hour skip and then continue on your normal schedule. Never Take a Double Dose!

If Stopped Taking: Do not stop taking Xanax tablets without consulting your physician and never abruptly if you have been taking for over three weeks. Seizures may be a side effect of sudden discontinuation of Xanax medication. Your doctor may recommend a gradual reduction in your dose.

Important Safety Information

XANAX should not be used if you have a condition called acute narrow angle glaucoma. It can be used if you have open angle glaucoma. Ask your doctor if you have questions.

Side effects, if they occur, are generally observed at the beginning of therapy and usually disappear upon continued use. The most commonly reported side effects of Xanax in clinical trials were drowsiness, fatigue, impaired coordination, irritability, light-headedness, memory impairment, insomnia, and headache.

To assure safe and effective use of benzodiazepines make sure that :

Until you experience how the medication affects you, do not drive a car or operate hazardous machinery.
Do not increase the dose even if you think the medication isn’t working, without consulting your physician.
Do not stop taking this medication abruptly or decrease the dose without consulting your physician, since discontinuation symptoms may occur.
CategoriesAnxiety,  Sleeping Disorder


Our psychology has recently approved the denver-information on beneficial and wicked correct from the moment Adam and Eve ate the apple of data. There is certainly enjoyment with sorrow, enjoyment with discomfort, truth with then lie, natural beauty with ugliness and so forth. You have seen the satisfied instances you can make together with the instances of sorrow. Often the reminiscence and fear of the bad time keeps on haunting only you are so a lot weighed down that you forget to giggle. Think you’re feeling hopeless and full of anxiety everyday? Do you think you’re in times which may be termed as ailment?

Don’t take too lightly your despression symptoms and anxiousness, there’re actual life adversaries and you’ll never undervalue your predators. Without a doubt the warning signs of panic disorder to be able to compare and realize your trouble. Therefore physical signs and symptoms of panic disorder, elizabeth.grams. rapid or unusual pulse rate, stomach problems like gnawing feeling, a sick stomach, inside the abs associated with the bowels, agitated digestive tract symptoms, excessive sweating, or emotion chilly and sticky complications, faintness or vertigo, shape pressure or discomfort, weakness or a suffocating feeling wiggling, uncomfortable or twitching problem drifting off to sleep or staying napping, hot flashes or chills, heart problems, rubbery lower limbs, tingling in arms or digits. Simultaneously there are some psychological signs as well being a standard feeling of apprehension and worry, uneasiness, jumpiness, itchiness, fearfulness or panic, remoteness from other people, sensation incredibly self-cognizant and unconfident, and anxiety you are death or going wild sturdy need to avoid.

If you’ve got the pursuing symptoms widespread, you must handle by yourself and seek out health care guide. You will discover procedure available blending medicines and also therapies for panic. Benzodiazepine is easily the most successful medication for anxiety and Xanax, a kind of Benzodiazepine is just about the preferred treatments for this reason. Xanax is additionally effective in dealing with action despression symptoms and panic disorders. All at once it is important for treating irritable bowel and stress and anxiety caused by a neurosis. Xanax might help the symptoms of PMS and also employed to minimize nervousness, stress, and strain involving anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, vital tremor, fibromyalgia (lower dose), and calling ears.

But, like i said previously earlier, we should admit there presently exists two factors of the feature or perhaps a thing, is very good, and one is not good. Person has not even able to escape Xanax, and completed it being an intoxicating substance, fairly taken advantage of it. As Xanax impacts chemical substances within the mental faculties that could come to be out of kilter and bring about stress and anxiety, it decelerates your brain performance causing a drowsy experience for your person. It’s a Neurological System (CNS) and obsession happens if it’s used for a long phrase, only nine a few months. This is the tolerance that compels you of xanax to consider an increasing number of tablets to glance at the exact same impact. Because the body with the user gets progressively more habituated, the result of Xanax within your body involves the rest of levels of Xanax to achieve the wanted amount. The effect, as you possibly can wonderfully fully grasp, is dependency. Your daily dose of two pills of 25mg each and every enhance to doses of four capsules if not more each day. Progressively, an individual thinks of having 5,10,20,40 or maybe 80 capsules over a offered evening to live This is actually the situation when he could be really hooked on Xanax.

In cases like this, Xanax mustn’t be quit abruptly, I need to tell you, and you should not stop taking xanax suddenly whenever you want. That may trigger severe disengagement affliction. In ordinary predicament the doctor will gradually lessen the serving and once you are enslaved by Xanax, psychotherapy along with prescription medication is necessary. That is simply is, contrary to other contra –stress and anxiety and anti-depressants, extracting from xanax is quite a bit easy and certainly not deadly. The leading range to consider is, never forget to talk to a doctor before Xanax and comply with doctor tips right until plenty of time you are entirely restored from panic. Keep in mind that, you’ll be able to survive a greater existence, you ought to have it!

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