CategoriesPain Meds Oxycontin

Oxycontin Addiction Rehab Success Stories

Oxycontin Addiction Rehab Success Stories

Woman embracing lifeI arrived in a rather terrible condition. I felt as though I would never recover hope. I thought myself a lost cause. I had spiraled out so far I had no idea who I was anymore and why my life god gone to pieces. I felt distant and empty when I looked inside.

I am forever grateful to the staff for guiding me through the darkest parts of my life and never once discouraging me. I have faced my inner demons, shed my addiction and completely rebuilt my entire self. I can feel again, see clearly again, love again. I have miraculously saved my life. I hadn’t realized it until now, but, I’m back! I’m free. No more addiciton. I can’t believe how far you guys have helped me travel, how strong you’ve taught me to become. I love each and every person that has been there for me along the way.

I’m finally free. I love you.

I would like to say that this program is great. I was a drug addict for a long time. I didn’t think that anything was wrong with me. Or what I was doing was wrong. I was a lost soul. Drugs were my escape. I didn’t think about how I was hurting others around me. I had the mentality that I was hurting myself and only myself. I didn’t want to handle my problems. I wasn’t able to confront life, situations, or anything. I couldn’t even look in a mirror and confront myself.

While going through this program and getting my mind clear, body clean and confronting my past, I am a new man. My past is my past. I am in the present. My life has new meaning. The world around me is much brighter. I know now that I need to keep social people in around mine and my family’s life. I live by a new code. An honor code. By living with this code and making the best decisions for the greatest good for myself and the world around me. There is only one road to travel. The road to survival!

Overcome Oxycontin Dependence Starting Today
Help is Available at (877) 340-3602

This program has given me my life back. It has given me the tools I need to live a productive, drug-free life. I feel I owe everything to this program and I am so much happier now than I was the day I came in. I feel very successful for graduating and I am eager to go live my life.
This has been by far the most rewarding and exceptionally beneficial thing I have ever done in my life. I walked in here five months ago a broken, dejected, pathetic excuse for a person. There have been more times than I can count when I wanted to give up and pack it in. But the most important thing I learned here was to push through whatever it seems like I can’t. So I did and I have made the most incredible turn around to date in my life. For the first time in over a decade I am happy, focused, motivated and confident, plus I’m comfortable in my own existence. All this without psych meds! I really never saw a future without the meds but it has been attained and I wake up everyday with a smile on my face. Everything I learned here has been invaluable and without it I doubt I could really fee this confident. This program saved my life and I am eternally grateful. Thank you staff! Thank you Narconon Louisiana!
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