Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children
Anxiety is a condition which is not only seen in the adults but also in the children. If you observe the behavior of the kids you will realize that they too at some stage suffer anxiety disorder. If the children are not taught to cope up with this anxiety then in late childhood they may develop performance anxiety and in adolescence may have social phobia.
Anxiety can often be noticed in kids right from the time they are 4 months old to 24 months old. Infants can easily be noticed to get terrified when they happen to hear some loud noise all of a sudden. It is also quite normal for the child to cry if separated from his care-giver. The crying of a child when his parent is not near him is a way to show his anxiety. A child cries when his parents are away or at least one of the parent to whom he is more attached is not near him. The crying of the child exhibits his fear of going away from his parents or the fear that his parents may not return and would be lost for ever. It is this anxious feeling that makes the child cry.
The parents should never bribe a child to get rid of the child’s crying. Instead the parents should teach the child to learn to adjust to the new surroundings. The child should be made to understand gently. In no way should a child be scolded to quit his behavior forcibly. Toddlers who start going to preschool may also display at times such anxiety when they move out of the cozy and protective environment of their homes and reach amidst such people whom they are not familiar with. At this time the teachers should take care of the child. Make the child believe that he is quite safe just like the other children. If the child becomes extremely anxious and starts panicking then the parent should be allowed to see off the child till his class room but should not sneak back again into the class.
Some children seem to be more irritable or clingy while they are in their infancy. Such children find it exceedingly difficult to adjust to their transitions or their daily schedule.
Such children are more likely to develop anxiety when they grow up. Hence children with such kind of temperament are more easily to develop anxiety when they grow up further. There are several factors which are responsible for the anxiety in children. The factors can be tiredness, major or minor illness, any change or transition in the house hold, birth of a sibling, family changes like somebody’s death or illness etc.
There are certain treatments available for such children who are suffering from anxiety disorder. Behavioral therapy is often beneficial for both the child and his parents. Counseling proves to be of immense help for the child and his parents. In few cases where the counseling or the behavioral therapy fails, medication can be combined with it but for children, medications should be given only when the alternative methods fail. But medication is needed for a minority of children who have persistent symptoms, resistant to behavior modification and psychotherapy.