The best way to deal with panic attacks

It’s so common for people to talk about anxiety these days. You even hear teenagers complaining that they are “depressed” and “anxious” because of a problem at school or a fight with their friends, but what they mean by it and what anxiety actually is are two very different things. Those who never suffered from real anxiety (as doctors define it) are lucky, because they will never experience the crushing effect this psychological illness can have on all aspects of a person’s life. Panic attacks are an especially unpleasant symptom of anxiety, and people who experience them, especially for the first time often fear for their lives. It’s no wonder, since a full blown panic attack has much of the same symptoms as a potentially fatal heart attack.


Another major problem with anxiety and panic attack disorders is that they can be tough to diagnose, even by experienced doctors. It often takes numerous visits to the clinic, tests and wrong diagnoses to really pinpoint the issue. If you have been experiencing symptoms that you think could be signs of a panic attack, do not hesitate, and visit your health care provider as soon as you are able to. Your doctor will probably choose to prescribe you some sedative (most likely a benzodiazepine like Ativan), and refer you to a psychologist or a psychiatrist. The fact is that Ativan is the preferred way to treat immediate symptoms of anxiety, but it’s not a cure on its own. You should treat Ativan as something that helps you with the panic attacks and other symptoms and enables you to deal with the problem with the help of a psychiatrist, while also making it possible for you to function normally in the other aspects of your life.

If you are not completely convinced that your symptoms are caused by anxiety and that Ativan is the best solution for your problem, take a look at this list of some of the most common symptoms – it should be able to help you to better understand your situation. 

pounding and racing of your heart beat,

an increase in perspiration and cold sweats,

shortness of breath, feelings of suffocation, choking and the inability to draw breath,

chest pains,

pressure in the chest area,

social anxiety,

fear or large crowds,

loss of feeling in the extremities, especially fingers of the hands,

chills or “heat waves”,

feelings of detachment from your immediate surroundings, or even your own body,

fear of death.

These are some of the most common symptoms of anxiety, and for most people, they seem to come and go without any regularity or warning. You can feel fine in one moment, and enjoy your life and the company of others, while just seconds later you could be having an episode that will leave you trembling and shaking. Fortunately, in this day and age, there’s really no need to suffer needlessly – there are quick and reliable solutions for your problem, and Ativan is among the most trusted ones.

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