Treating Anxiety Managing Anxiety Stop Anxiety

Treating Anxiety Managing anxiety Stop anxiety

Treating Anxiety Managing Anxiety Stop Anxiety. It is not an easy task to treat anxiety disorders because these will require substantial amount of patience and resilience on the part of the sufferer. The person who is suffering will need to stay hopeful even if the going becomes tough since it is only through this that he will be able to win his life back. Nevertheless, the good news is that there are already lots of various treatment choices available at this time that is why even if a person will fail on a certain treatment, he still has a plethora of other options to pick out.

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or commonly known as CBT is one of the most favored methods by medical professionals. This is being spread out on a lot of sessions and it will aim to alter and modify an individual’s patterns of thinking so that the behavior of the person will be changed in return. It is hoped that positive changes will also take place on the behavior of the person if the person’s cognitions or perceptions will have positive changes.

On the other hand, Exposure Therapy will also aim in bringing about change on the behavior of the patient, however, unlike CBT, this will have a different approach. As a component of Exposure Therapy, the patient is exposed to his fears slowly and gradually in a controlled as well as secure setting. It is anticipated that when the patient is exposed to the thing or situation resulting to increased fear, he will be able to realize that his fears and also his worries are unjustified and irrational since the thing which was perceived to be dangerous or risky has little or no threat at all.

Even if CBT and Exposure Therapy have strong track record for several people, treating conditions like anxiety disorder would mean using medications in the forms of either the antidepressants or the benzodiazepines. As their name implies, antidepressants are called happy pills which require the intake for several weeks before you can see any real changes. In the meantime, benzodiazepines are considered to be fast-acting quick fix solutions that will provide immediate relief which is capable of counteracting any symptoms of panic attack which might come out in the open.
No matter whether the patient is taking antidepressants or benzodiazepines, it should be kept in mind that medications may not be the ideal cure for the anxiety disorder since these may have paradoxical effects wherein rather than treating the anxiety disorder, the pills will only make the situation more worse. This is for the reason that these drugs can be highly addictive in nature and are also recognized to result to different side effects. Though the precise nature of the side effects will vary depending on the situation, the common side effects will occur such as:

  1. Sleepiness
  2. Feeling clumsy
  3. Disoriented and sarcastic
  4. Feeling of depression
    In extreme cases by which high doses were already taken, the same kinds of drugs which will suppose to make you relax, are also known to cause rage, mania as well as hallucinations.

Thus, bear in mind that if you plan on taking the medication as the means for the treatment of anxiety disorder, make sure to practice extreme caution and only do it after you have consulted with your doctor or physician comprehensively.

  • Managing anxiety
    There are actually techniques that are useful for the management of anxiety attacks.

1. Seek help from the professional. Although, this may seem like an apparent move made by a lot of people, there are some individuals who are afraid of talking to other regarding their problem.

Since this is technically classified as a psychological problem, it should be your first priority to seek professional help. There might be a lot of things which you are capable of doing for yourself in order to help alleviate the problem, however, you should get an expert opinion firsthand.

2.Try to manage anxiety without delay. If you begin to feel that your heart starts to race, your palms become sweaty, your senses are heightened and adrenalin will begin to get you going, you have to stop with what you are doing if you think it is safe to do it at that time and begin to count numbers from ten backwards.

This might sound like a totally passé way in dealing with the situation, however, if it is possible that you can divert your attention from the things which have caused the anxiety attacks, it will possibly give the mind the time that it requires in order to put all the things into perspective.

3. Perform exercises regularly. Exercises can have a lot of remarkable results to the body but one thing which is considered to be the most beneficial for the management of anxiety is the reality that exercise can release endorphins into the human body.

Endorphins are not only the natural pain killers of the body, but, they also provide the body a little of the feel good factor. This could be a remarkable way of counteracting the feelings of stress or tension which may be accumulating so that it will be helpful in the release of tension or stress before things will become critical and would oftentimes be paralyzing level of stress. Treating Anxiety Managing anxiety Stop anxiety.

4. Ensure that you have time to meditate. When a lot of people will hear the word “meditation”, they will immediately think that they need to chant some sort of offbeat 1960’s type of mantras. This is actually not true.

There are basically plenty of forms of meditation, yet, the one which we want to pay attention is meditation by way of Yoga.

Yoga makes use of the system of breathing exercises that will help make your mind quiet. A simple meditation will only take several minutes to do and as soon as you have spent some time to master it, this could even be performed while you are walking around the streets.

As we previously see earlier, the more you make your mind quiet, the more you can take control of the logical part and as a result, it will help you have the realization that the anxiety attacks have actually no basis.

5. Engage in some forms of relaxing activities. Lots of people may find relaxation is several of the most peculiar and even the most unexciting of activities, all you have to do is to see which one will best work for you.

Gardening is oftentimes a good choice for some people who would want to become productive as they relax and there are others who find that putting on headphones and turning on the music will work. Both are all good.

Whatever you will find to be relaxing will certainly be beneficial to you, if this can make your mind calm and will provide the time it requires so that thing will be put back into their perspective.

Stop anxiety

To be able to understand how to stop anxiety is just like to understand how to ride a bicycle. At first, this may be a little bit difficult, but as soon as you learn how to train yourself in doing it, it will just turn out to be a second nature.

There are three immediate ways in stopping or at least lessening the anxiety as you feel it has started to build up. I do have long term solutions regarding anxiety cures in the other articles I have which are also published here. You might as well take some time to look at them if you can.

Now, let us proceed to the tips…

1. Try to learn how to breathe. I know this may sound very simple. Furthermore, I am also aware that it may be silly to perform this kind of exercise. This is what I experienced the first time I tried it. However, you know what? This is really valuable. I was astonished with how effective it can be and I am sure you will be as well. Treating Anxiety Managing anxiety Stop anxiety

This is how to perform it. Lots of people even the individuals who do not suffer from anxiety are likely to be shallow breathers. However, as you begin to become anxious, everything will tighten up and your breathing will certainly start to become extremely shallow. This will merely make the anxiety more worse. Pay very close attention to how you are breathing when you think you begin to feel the anxiety rise from within. Make your breathing very deeply as well as very slowly.

2.Ensure to train your mind. I am aware that I am not telling you things which you do not know by now when I say that thoughts that you have are actually the reasons for your anxiety. More often than not, it will all be negative self talk or irrational self talk which can often be similar things that will primarily lead you to spiral down to the anxiety trap.

As acknowledgement, to learn to train your mind in order not to go down to this direction in the first place is not a thing which you will learn how to do only within 2 minutes. Nonetheless, simply asking yourself with the question, “Is what I am feeling at this time unbelievable?” is what I found out to be an effective method in doing this. Treating Anxiety Managing anxiety Stop anxiety

For example, it is in social situation which triggers you to have anxiety. Perhaps you will have irrational fear that all the people are looking at you, conversing about you or possibly, judging you.

If this will happen, try to ask yourself if this really is true. Or you can ask yourself if this is truly what is happening now. Most of the time, you will discover that the answers to these questions are actually no. If it is the sense of dread which begins to give rise to anxiety, you need to ask yourself if how possible the dreadful occurrence which you are imagining will really happen. Treating Anxiety Managing anxiety Stop anxiety

More often than not, you will wind up telling yourself that not only this is not to be expected, but this is practically impossible to occur because you are just imagining. Simply by understanding this will oftentimes be helpful in making you feel better all at once.

3. Do you think anxiety is serving you? This is associated with what has previously been mentioned above. Anxiety is actually a valuable response. It will warn people of danger and will inform us to elude things which might hurt us. But if individuals like us will have an anxiety problem, this is basically the valuable instinct that has gone out of control.

This will simply mean that this type of anxiety does not serve us right in the first place. If you are able to make yourself come to realize about this, you can possibly be able to begin to overcome it.

What you really need is to truly ask yourself—really ask yourself if this anxiety which you are feeling right now is providing you with a purpose. Does it serve you well? Is it helpful to you? Most likely, the answers to these questions are no.

In reality, you will perhaps realize that rather than worrying regarding whatever thing that is making you worry, the good choice you must take is to take action with whatever it is that has bothered you. Treating Anxiety Managing anxiety Stop anxiety

This is what I mean…

For instance, if your anxiety is the result of fear of not having sufficient money to be able to pay your bills, then rather than giving in to the anxiety, you might as well begin to take action so that you can bring more cash to your life.

Stop anxiety attacks

Anxiety symptoms can become evident at any point in time. Listed below are basic methods which can be considered effective for the anxiety cures:

Confront the Problem: To accept the feelings of an anxiety attack will resolve your problem to a certain degree. There are lots of times when we try so hard to deny the feeling and as a result will give rise to several other negative emotions such as anger. Try to identify the type of feelings you have while under a panic attack and determine the cause why you are experiencing such kind of feelings. As a consequence, it will be easier for you to find the solution for the problem that exists.

Breathing Control: This will aid in the relaxation of the mind and body and be able to stop anxiety as well as panic attacks. If we become anxious, our breathing tends to be shallow and fast. What you have to do is to try slowing down your breathing in order to check the anxiety attack. Make sure that every breath you have is deep and complete. Ensure to focus your attention on the inhalation and exhalation process while making sure also that the period for them to take place is equal. Another advantage of this kind of method is that it is able to divert your mind from the panic attack. Treating Anxiety Managing anxiety Stop anxiety

Stop Thinking About Negative Thoughts: More often than not, individuals have panic attacks because they keep thinking about negatives all over again. Thus, it is extremely significant to put a stop to all these negative thoughts from playing in your mind. Although, doing this may not be that easy, but somehow this is not also impossible to do.

Attempt to shout the word STOP inside your head a lot of times. Keep your mind busy by reading a book, try solving a puzzle or listen to the music of your choice. Therefore, you will be able to substitute the ugly thoughts with thoughts that can calm you. Keep on reading about the anxiety attacks relief.

Exercise: This can be considered an excellent way in obtaining relief from the anxiety attacks. Make it a point to spend at least thirty minutes on a daily basis in performing some exercise. As you exercise, the body will use up all the adrenalin hormones which are released during periods of panic attacks and will protect the body from its adverse effects. Furthermore, it will also help you in relaxing your tensed muscles which is caused by anxiety. You do not need to participate in a gym and spend some money for this matter. Simply taking a brisk walk or just perform stretching exercises will be sufficiently helpful in coping up with anxiety. Learn further about anxiety exercise.

Distract You Mind: You might as well begin doing this when you start to notice of any anxiety symptoms. This is able to stop the signals of panic attacks from going into your brain. Among the most basic ways to do this is pick up any kind of object around you and begin to verbalize its description.

Inform yourself all the things about it, beginning with its color, size, texture and all the features of the object which you can see at that moment in time. This way, you will be able to discard all the thoughts regarding panic attacks which will likely creep into your mind. Keep on reading so that you will know how to overcome anxiety naturally. Treating Anxiety Managing anxiety Stop anxiety

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