Anxiety can be corrected with medicines, through psychological counseling or even independently. The method of treatment is something which depends upon the reason of anxiety as well as the preferences of the patient. The treatments generally combine medications, psychotherapy and behavioral therapy. Often, the anxiety treatment is impeded by the effects of coexisting conditions, depression and alcoholism which means that for successful results, the conditions should be controlled.


Self Treatment


Anxiety may be remedied at home, without the supervision of the doctor. This may however be restricted to situations when the anxiety lasts for a short while and the reason has been known or may be avoided or eliminated altogether. The condition can be treated by learning stress management by maintaining deadlines and not resorting to pressure, taking out time from work and study. You may even learn different methods of relaxation and meditation techniques. Deep abdominal breathing is also helpful. Patients can even learn about coping self talk instead of speaking negatively about themselves. Self treatment also encourages the person to see themselves in a positive light, conquering their fears.




Anxiety is often treated with psychological counseling including psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and other methods. CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy addresses the changes in the thinking methods of the individual which are related to the troubled and anxious feelings. The cognitive aspect limits the distorted chain of thoughts, while the behavioral aspect helps people handle the situations and objects which lead to anxiety. Psychotherapy is also used at times for understanding and resolving anxiety. In this process, you speak to a mental health expert, social worker, psychologist, or social worker to explore the reasons of anxiety and ways of coping with its symptoms.




Different kinds of drugs may be used in the process of treating anxiety. If anxiety is caused by a physical ailment, the cure will be tailored for curing the condition. It can include surgery or any other type of medication for regulating a trigger of physical anxiety. Medicines like beta-blockers, tricyclics, antidepressants and benzodiazepines are often used for regulating the mental and physical symptoms of anxiety.


Although previously, anxiety was mostly treated with benzodiazepines, their usage has of late decreased since they might lead to addictive symptoms. However, their side effects are comparatively few other than possible dependence and drowsiness. Valium or diazepam is one of the common varieties of benzodiazepines used in the process.


Prevention of Anxiety


There is no established way through which you can prevent anxiety, although there are various ways in which you can reduce the risks and employ methods for reducing or controlling the symptoms. Here are some of the ways in which you can reduce your chances of developing anxiety:


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