What is Female Sexual Dysfunction or Female Impotence?

Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) is a complex condition affecting millions of women. Think of FSD as the female version of ED (Male Erectile Dysfunction or impotence). In the past it was considered to be “all in your head”, but now we know that FSD is thought to have physical causes most of the time.

You are not alone. Approximately 43% of women report sexual problems. Anyone can develop FSD at some point in their life.

There are four types of FSD:

1. Desire disorder means that you don’t feel “in the mood” for sexual activity.

2. Arousal disorder means you have trouble becoming vaginally lubricated, or “wet,” and/or your sexual sensations are diminished.

3. Orgasmic disorder means that you have difficulty achieving orgasms, or don’t have them at all.

4. Pain disorder means that you experience pain during intercourse.

Causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Female Sexual Dysfunction may be caused by a range of physical and/or psychological conditions, although the cause-effect relationship is not well understood. Physical causes might include disorders of the local organs, such as vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal tissues) or endometriosis (a growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus). Diabetes, endocrine or hormonal problems, neurological disorders, and certain medications (possibly oral contraceptives, antidepressants,and tranquilizers) can also interfere with sexual response.

Women who have had surgery to remove the uterus or breast may experience problems with sexual self-image, which, in turn, can lead to female impotence. Other psychological causes might include guilt about sexual pleasure, fear of intimacy, or anxiety. Women with long-term FSD may simply be unaware of genital anatomy and function and, therefore, also not aware of effective arousal patterns and techniques.

Overall, each case of female impotence, like male impotence, is unique. The cause of FSD was traditionally thought to psychological, however, as more doctors research this sensitive problem, more and more come to the realization that physiological conditions contribute or outright cause this disorder.

Symptoms of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Chances are you are already familiar with the symptoms of FSD. However, you might not realize that FSD is a broad category of sexual disorders, falling under 4 main categories:

1. Desire disorder means that you don’t feel “in the mood” for sexual activity. Causes for this category of disorder range from psychological conditions (like depression) to physiological conditions (such as hormonal imbalances).

2. Arousal disorder means you have trouble becoming vaginally lubricated, or “wet,” and/or your sexual sensations are diminished.

3. Orgasmic disorder means that you have difficulty achieving orgasms, or don’t have them at all.

4. Pain disorder means that you experience pain during intercourse. Typically, pain occurs even if there is sufficient lubrication.

Treatment Options

While many women suffering from female impotence aren’t aware of this fact, there are fortunately several treatment options available.

We offer products we have found to be effective for some women. They are all natural and typically have no side effects (before taking any herbal supplement, check with your doctor). They are:

Supplements – Arginmax and Ultra V are herbal supplements which promote sexual wellness by addressing the root of the problem. While they don’t work immediately, you should see increased libido and the ability to orgasm within a few weeks of use.

Creams & Sprays – Vitara and Viacreme are available in cream or spray form and work on contact to increase bloodflow and sensitivity. This increases the pleasure you receive from foreplay and intercourse.

We suggest you buy both a supplement and a cream for maximum benefit. The supplement will help address the cause of the problem, while the cream will give you immediate results.


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